

目前顯示的是 9月, 2011的文章


Tasting the future of farmed seafood 嚐ㄧ下未來用養的海鮮 London (CNN) -- If you ate fish for dinner last night, there's a 50% chance it was not caught in the wild. http://cnn.com/video/?/video/international/2011/03/24/ef.genetic.modification.bk.b.cnn Aquaculture -- the farming of fish and sea creatures under controlled conditions -- is the fastest growing area of animal food production and now accounts for around half the world's consumed seafood. According to the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the fish farming industry increased on average at an annual rate of 6.6% between 1970 and 2008. Dr Matthias Halwart, senior aquatic officer at the FAO, told CNN that globally we're eating more fish than ever before. A farm on every rooftop GM bananas in Uganda The world population on average consumers an all time high of about 17 kilograms of fish per person. --Dr Matthias Halwart, UN FAO Science and Technology "The world population on average ...

Aquaponics USA

Aquaponics USA If there was ever a time in the modern era to start growing food--it is NOW. The world-wide financial melt-down, complete with a downgrade of our triple AAA rating, is destined to bring with it hyperinflation and food shortages. Aquaponics is our answer. Aquaponics is a hybrid technique combining the best of aqua-culture (growing fish) and hydroponics (growing veggies without soil), and it’s completely organic because the fish waste is your natural fertilizer and that means no pesticides. Aquaponics USA is dedicated to sharing information, developing products and bringing awareness of this life sustaining technology to every American home because it’s time Americans become Food Independent. Aquaponics USA--Feeding America, One Family At A Time with our Food Forever™ Growing Systems! We have systems that range from 7.5 to 112 square feet of Grow Bed space and Fish Tanks from 100 to 320 gallons. 網站


Aquaponics USA Greenhouse Aquaponics USA Greenhouse Tour showing the outside design and construction of the Greenhouse. 3/3


Tooth Soap Installs Home Aquaponics System 刷牙基金會設計的養耕共生系統 Since 2003 Tooth Soap has been manufacturing natural and organic products to clean your teeth. Now, they’ve added an aquaponics system to their urban farming operation to farm their own fish and vegetables sustainably. They started in February with raising their own chickens and an urban garden, and kicked it up a notch with the new aquaponics system featured in the video. 自2003年,刷牙基金會自己天然有機產品的牙皂來清潔牙齒。現在,基金會設計了永續的都會型養耕共生系統耕種蔬菜和養魚。今年2月開始基金會也建造了都會型花園養雞。請參考影片。 What is Aquaponics? 何謂養耕共生? Aquaponics is a system used to raise fish and grow vegetables with one symbiotic system. It has been embraced by those who want to be truly sustainable, but don’t have access to a reliable fresh fish supply. If you want to learn how to build your own system, you can start here. 原文

歐洲魚展Aqua Nor 2011

Aqua Nor 2011將於2011/10/18~21 歐洲觀賞於大展 於希臘羅德斯舉辦 Aqua Nor 2011歐洲觀賞魚大展


2011台灣觀賞魚博覽會 2011/9/30登場 漁業署表示,為持續推動國內、外觀賞魚市場,9月30日至10月3日在台北世界貿易中心展覽三館「舉辦2011台灣國際觀賞魚博覽會」,除了有各國特色水族的國家館、台灣水族企業形象館,並舉辦全球獎金最高的國際七彩神仙魚比賽、水族器材創意設計大賽、水草造型缸、孔雀魚及水晶蝦等比賽,還有氣勢磅礡的建國百年百尺紀念缸,當然還有採購好康的水族街。此外,基隆市市民廣場也同步舉辦國際錦鯉品評會,全部免費參觀。 藍絲絨蝦 藍絲絨蝦全球首見 藍絲絨蝦,透明蝦殼呈現美麗的土耳其藍,將在「2011台灣國際觀賞魚博覽會」中亮相。 身長不足二公分、重量不到幾公克的藍絲絨蝦,全身泛著土耳其藍,身價上萬元;融合神仙魚、孔雀魚與羅漢魚特徵的神仙美人魚,身價上看五萬元。台灣觀賞魚養殖技術一流,透過配種改良,創造身價不凡的水族寵物,都將在台灣觀賞魚博覽會亮相。 今年國際觀賞魚博覽會中,混種魚最吸晴!神仙美人魚貌似羅漢魚,但長長的魚鰭有著孔雀魚的亮麗和神仙魚的飄逸;金紅娘同時繼承錦鯉適合從背部觀賞,與金魚適合側面觀賞的優點;結合水母基因的滿天星螢光魚,被業界暱稱為人間的波妞。 全球首度曝光的藍絲絨蝦是琉璃蝦進化版,透明蝦殼泛土耳其藍,吸睛指數百分百,單尾身價上萬元。新品種巧克力蝦是業者透過搜集蜜蜂蝦、虎紋蝦,加上採自海拔二二八○公尺台灣原生蝦種的大量基因型態,歷經六年改良成功。 新品種魚蝦繁殖成功率低而相當稀有,往往成為玩家或風水缸的首選,色澤穩定性更影響身價高低。以巧克力蝦為例,身價自二千元至一萬二千元,但有些被飼主買回後不久就變成透明蝦!極品巧克力蝦身體不透光,還有巧克力色光澤。 台灣國際觀賞魚博覽會自2011/9/30~10/3,在台北世貿三館展出,現場展出四百萬元打造的「建國百尺缸」,主辦單位已向金氏世界紀錄提出認證申請,可望成為全球最長魚缸。


Why are we creating a world that no one wants?-Madam Frances Moore Lappé 為何我們創造一個面目可憎的世界-法蘭西斯路培夫人 Frances Moore Lappé is a "living democracy" advocate and world food expert. She is the author or coauthor of 18 books, including Diet for a Small Planet, which was chosen among "75 Books by Women Whose Words Have Changed the World" by the Women's National Book Association. It also was recently dubbed a "blueprint for eating with a small carbon footprint long before the term was coined," by J.M. Hirsch of the Associated Press. In 2008, "Gourmet Magazine" selected Frances among 25 people, including Thomas Jefferson and Julia Child, whose work has changed the way America eats, and the James Beard Foundation named her Humanitarian of the year. She is a winner of the Right Livelihood Award, called the Alternative Nobel. She and her daughter Anna Lappé launched the Cambridge-based The Small Planet Institute and the Small Planet Fund in 2001. Fran...

Grow It Right Aquaponics

Grow it right Aquaponics Grow it Right Aquaponics is a partnership based in Eureka, California. Our mission is education. One important goal we strive to attain is community access to local organic foods. This is accomplished by making aquaponic technology accessible to communities, families and individuals. One way we do this is through our website. We are always updating information. Whenever we have something new to pass along you can find it here. We have an extensive collection of educational documents and videos. Be sure to visit our Resources page and our Links to find updated information.For the most current information visit our facebook page growitright aquaponics. It will send you to many fantastic websites . Grow it Right Aquaponics is a business that blends environmentally conscious ideas into a system that can feed your family and operate on many levels. To find out more about us please send us an email. All questions are welcome. We aim to have superior responsivene...


Fish Farms, With a Side of Greens 綠色的一角來養魚 Jeff Redmon 報導 Sweet Water Organics, a company in Milwaukee, raises perch and grows leafy green vegetables in a former factory. Sweet Water Organics, Genevieve Roberts攝影 Aquaponics-a combination of aquaculture, or fish cultivation, and hydroponics, or water-based planting -utilizes a symbiotic relationship between fish and plants. Fish waste provides nutrients for the plants, which in turn filter the water in which the fish live. Cuttings from plant are composted to create food for worms, which provide food for the fish, completing the cycle. “Aquaponics is a method of delivering multiple crops with minimum input, through a closed-loop method of farming,” said Charlie Price, founder of Aquaponics UK, the nonprofit organization that runs the farm. A kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of fish food, produces at least 50 kilograms of vegetables and 0.8 kilogram of fish, he said. “As the ecosystem becomes self-sustainable, the fish food come...

廚餘殘渣 + 小魚搖搖 = 生菜沙拉

Michael Amadorri 紐約州立大學 Food waste + fish poop = lettuce 廚餘殘渣 + 小魚搖搖 = 生菜沙拉 Michael Amadori looks into a fish tank growing tilapia in a lab at the State University of New York. The fish waste is used to grow lettuce. By John Roach Michael Amadori 在美國紐約州立大學的實驗室養著吳郭魚的水箱。魚的排泄物用來種植萵苣。 John Roach報導 If, in a few years, you are suddenly overcome with a sense that there's something fishy about the lettuce in your salad, you might be on to something. There's a chance it was grown with fish poop. 幾年內,你如果突然發現,在你的生菜沙拉上有些魚味,即有可能是小魚搖搖種出來的生菜。 "There's no fish taste whatsoever," Michael Amadori, a master's student in ecological engineering at the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry, assured me Wednesday. 星期三Michael向我保證“絕對沒有任何魚腥味,”,Michael Amadori是紐約州立大學的環境科學與林業學院生態工程碩士的學生 For now, Amadori is growing the futuristic lettuce in question as part of a science experiment aimed at closing the loop between the food we throw aw...


浮萍 Duckweed 學名: Spirodela polyrhiza Schletder 浮萍科 多年生漂浮植物,植物體莖呈葉狀扁平,徑3-6mm長5-9mm基部鈍,先端圓,上面綠色有光澤,下面紫紅色,普通3-4片相連。中央生纖維根十餘條,先端具根帽,由根基處?方萌芽長2~數個連結漸次增生迅速繁殖。 浮萍廣布於暖帶至亞熱帶,中國大陸、日本、馬來西亞、澳洲等地。在台灣全境水田、水池、水溝、自生普遍之水生植物。 以前,農家常會撈取浮萍給鴨鵝等家禽吃,當做免費越營養的飼料,而且浮萍也可以當做野外求生植物和蛇藥,另外因為生長快速又好種,也被視為很好的生物實驗材料。近年來,世界銀行及各國農業研究機構為了改善第三世界落後地區人民貧困的生活,一直在積極推廣一套成本低廉卻收獲豐富的「浮萍農業」:引用家庭廢水來養浮萍,一方面可以淨化汙水;一方面則可以增加浮萍的產量。新鮮或烘乾保存的浮萍再用來飼養豬、鯉魚、鴨、鵝等,多餘的浮萍和這些吃浮萍長大的動物還可以賣錢來增加收入,這真是既環保又省錢,一舉多得的一套農業生產方式,在各國試驗都很成功,也值得我們來學習,或再研發其他用途。


Australia Eco Films 澳洲環保網站

養耕大老Murry Hallam


Japan Aquaponics

日本養耕共生協會 Japan Aquaponics http://japan-aquaponics.businesscatalyst.com/index.html


小毛驴市民农园 成立: 小毛驴市民农园创建于2008年4月,占地230亩,位于北京西郊著名自然风景区凤凰 岭山脚下、京密引水渠旁,是由北京市海淀区政府、中国人民大学共建的产学研基地,同时也是国仁城乡(北京)科技发展中心在其多年积累的生态农业与城乡公益 网络基础上,整合推出的创新性探索,该探索延续了成立于2006年的国仁城乡互助合作社的相关工作。 定位: 借鉴国内外CSA经验,遵循“三低三高”(即低耗能、低污染、低投入;高 起步、高产出、高品味)的原则,通过建立一套可持续的农业生产和生活模式,基本实现园区内部的生态循环,建立园区的生态经济体系;倡导并实践“发展生态农 业、支持健康消费、促进城乡互助”的行动理念,推动食品安全、生态文明与城乡良性互动,促进中国城乡统筹和可持续发展。 目标: 通过多年的努力,争取将农园建设成为北京乃至全国的集参观、科研、教育培训和生产示范为一体的生态基地,将其建设成为国内有机农业的重要品牌。 面向城市推动市民参与式都市型生态农业,开展都市农业培训、食品安全与可持续生活宣传、农 耕体验与教育等活动,将农园建设成为市民体验农耕及可持续生活、培养健康消费和环保意识的都市农业教育基地;同时,以科研和示范教育为特色,努力成为大学 生及中小学生的实训与生态教育基地;通过发展城市健康消费网络,促进形成“共同购买型”消费合作社。 面向农村研究、推广结合传统农耕和自然农业为基础的现代生态农业技术,建立自己的技术规范和认证体系,为各地农民合作社提供示范和培训服务,并协助农民合作社在农业生产上转向现代生态农业。 最终将商业模式与社会责任、可持续发展理念融为一体,引导城市健康消费合作社与农村绿色生产合作社对接,通过城乡之间生产者与消费者的直接互助,让农民安心、消费者安心、环境安心,重建社会的信任与合作机制,实现城乡良性发展。 社会影响 两年多来,小毛驴市民农园在海淀区政府、中国人民大学乡村建设中心、苏家坨镇政府、后 沙涧村委以及社会各界热心人士的大力支持和热情帮助下,以“社区支持农业”(CSA)为主要运营模式,吸引了大量市民、农民、大学生、学者、媒体、 NGO、工商业者和政府部门等不同身份、群体的广泛参与,在北京市乃至全国各地、世界生态农业领域引起了强烈关注,取得了良好的社会效益,为农园的可持续 发展奠定了重要的社会基础。 截止至2010年8月,农...


施予以魚,一日飽足 善教釣魚,釣光為止 循 導養魚,永生常樂  Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him till stocks run out. Teach a man to grow fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Ken Konschel has for the past 20 years been active in the Aquaponics industry. He has traveled extensively in the USA visiting aquaponics and aquaculture projects, universities and hydroponic farms gathering new information and the latest techniques. In 2003 he won a gold medal from the Institute of Inventors for his efforts in designing an Aquaponics system. Ken Konschel Ken Konschel過去廿年活躍於美國養耕共生界,到美國各地收集養耕共生與水產養殖的各種資訊,並於2003年以他所設計的養耕共生系統得奬 As Managing Director of Aquaponics Africa he has set up pilot schemes in Zimbabwe and presently in Empangeni, South Africa. These have been a remarkable success and the system is constantly being fine tuned for greater efficiency. 身為非洲養耕共生協會的主席,他在辛巴威,恩潘蓋尼及南非規劃了非洲養耕共生的藍圖,這是系統的卓越成功,並持續追求更高效率 Aquaponics Africa operates from a 25 hectare farm...


Aquaponics@Livingroom. 在客廳作養耕 We hope to promote the Aquaponics into you home. The first and most difficult place is your living room. You can grow plant and fish at your living room instead of your backyard. So we design it as a decoration at your living room. So it will be so easy to maintenance. You may take a reference tour for the total system. 我們希望把養耕共生推廣到家庭 第一個也是最難的地方是您的客廳 有別於後院陽台 他必須考慮到裝黃擺設 我們把他設計成這個系統 您可以瀏覽一下我們的附圖 We design a Aquaponics System which is suitable for your living room. If you are interesting to the drawing, you may download by yourself. Download the sketchup plan 如果您覺得不錯 也想試一試 請自行下載sketchup的圖檔 下載範例檔案 There three layers about this design. The top layer is plant bed, the middle layer is fish aquarium, and the bottom layer is bio-filter. This most important designs are the total height to be 120cm only and the decorative outlook. So it is suitable for living room. 這個設計共分三層 最上層是植栽床 中層是水族缸 最下層是生物濾缸 最重要的是整個設計總高度只有120cm及裝飾的外觀 就算您搬到客廳都不突兀吧 ...


2011養耕共生會議於2011/9/16在美國佛羅里達舉辦 這純粹是個人的紀錄 有幸跟一堆高手,高手,高高手,行業的先進們聚會,我們先介紹幾位吧 Murray Hallam, Practical Aquaponics www.aquaponics.net.au Murray Hallam是養耕共生界的大老, 說是老大也行兒. 大老是個理想主義者, 沒事兒專門教大家如何作養耕共生,講話可以用澳洲腔,美國腔,韓國腔,英國腔及印度腔跟大家笑談養耕共生的笑話,你用那一國腔調提問,他就可以用你的腔調回答你,可以參考以下的影片 Charlie Price – www.aquaponics.co.uk Charlie Price也是理想主義者,但是對農業,商業運作,物流系統都非常深入簡出 其中他對養耕共生及環保共存的永續生存有極為簡要的說明 可以參考他在TEDx的演講 或者在我們的網站找一下他的簡介 Gina Cavaliero - Green Acres Organics wwww.greenacreorganics.biz & Aquaponic Enterprises, Inc. Gina的經營綠色田野有機公司 Gina and Tonya經營綠色田野有機公司. Gina跟Syliva共同主持aquaponicssource.com. 這是世界上第一個養耕共生的會議 有點辛苦 其實相對而言不到400人左右 可是一半都是世界各地來的. 其中我還發現skype的新任老大Mr. Kobus Joosfe, 原來Kobus也是養耕共生的業餘愛好者(Gina應是義大利裔美國夏威夷胖大媽) Tim & Suzanne Friendly – Friendly Aquaponics www.friendlyaquaponics.com Friendly Aquaponics主要贊助商,可以提供小中大型的現成可行養耕共生的完全方案 基地在夏威夷,不過全美有不少經銷商 也可以安排參觀 會場非常休閒,不像其他會議,絕對不無聊,也不像教條式的,有許多養耕共生的實作者一同分享經驗,資訊,及未來的一些想法,分享美食及明年的會議等等 順便學了一句夏威夷話 "mahalo nui loa" (馬哈囉努一囉呀) 多謝...

Why Aquaponics?

Here is the promotion video for Taiwan Aquaponics. Take a different mindset to Asia Aquaponics. We welcome your comment to Asian Aquaponics. Taiwan Aquaponics Association welcome you to share the different successful stories about Aquaponics. You may email the articles, links, questions, and comments here, or email to croxword@gmail.com . Thanks.

Urban Aquaponics, IBM

IBM Smarter Cities Challenge team works with the City of Milwaukee on issues surrounding urban agriculture and aquaponics. IBM智慧城市團隊堆廣都市農場養耕共生系統


Urban farms, aquaponics 都市農場,養耕共生 International team recognizes Milwaukee's 'high potential' to improve access to healthy food, revitalize neighbor hoods and create jobs. 密爾瓦基國際研發團隊對養耕共生提出有潛力的評價,尤其是在生產健康食品,振興鄰里關係及創造就業機會部份。 Milwaukee could become more economically viable and help the world feed itself through urban agriculture and aquaponics - water-efficient systems that can transform abandoned factories and vacant lots into urban farms that raise fish and vegetables, a report released Monday says. 研究團隊週一的報告指出-都會養耕的農業節水系統可以利用都市中廢棄的工廠空地在有效率的運作下,減緩世界對糧食的需求。 Milwaukee already has the base investment and model to improve access to healthy food while revitalizing neighborhoods and creating jobs, says the report, which lays out a game plan for the city to take urban food production to the next level. The report was prepared by an international team from technology and consulting firm IBM, which spent three weeks this summer analyzing the city's prospects ar...


垂直農業 前言 在人口不斷增加,農地面積有限及運輸成本高昂的情況下,鄰近消費市場,用高樓以多層次生產的農業技術:「垂直農業」,成為維護全球經濟發展的重要手段(The Economist Technology Quarterly, 2010) 。這個多層次農業生產的概念應用在水生物的養殖上就叫做「垂直養殖」,在蕭世民博士的實驗室已發展多年並獲得許多專利(請看文獻探討)。本實務專題研究將此「垂直養殖」的發展應用在石斑魚(青斑Epinephelus coioides及龍膽石斑E. lanceolatus)的養殖,設計並組裝出一個有效率的石斑魚垂直養殖設施。 目前的水產養殖事業在土地或廠房的基礎地面,挖掘水池或設置水槽,以其形成約0.5-6公尺深的單層水體進行水生動植物(魚、蝦、貝、藻等類別)的生產。在這個單層水體裏,當養殖的水生動植物具底棲性或附著性時,他們通常選擇棲息或附著在水體底層,使底層成為單一的有效養殖平面,而沒有充分利用到水體底層及土地或廠房基礎面以上的空間。 「垂直養殖」的發展則在一個水體或空間內建置多層次的有效養殖平面,使底棲性或附著性水生動植物的養殖事業增產。這個構想的前例如九孔的多層次養殖養殖,在水體內以九孔養殖盒形成多層次有效養殖空間而達到在單位水體底層及土地或廠房基礎面上增加生產的目的。 為普遍達到此目的,蕭世民博士的實驗室發展下列兩項技術: 1. 水生動植物的淺水養殖,以方便多層水體上下堆疊,增加養殖場區的空間利用。 2. 在同一水體內構建一到多層的生態結構,形成一到多層有效養殖平面。 以岩礁為棲地或在水底棲息的水生物,包括魚類、蝦類、海葵及珊瑚等為例,在具有特定生態結構的養殖水槽中,可生活在十分淺的水中。現有數據顯示白蝦(Litopenaeus vannamei)、吳郭魚(Oreochromis mossambica)、青斑(Epinephelus coioides)及龍膽(E. lanceolatus)等生物均可生活在水深僅4-15公分的環境,分別成長至每尾25g,600g,1,800g,3,000g或更大。以這個垂直型水產養殖的概念為基礎,本專題研究設計及組裝一個垂直型龍膽石斑養殖設施,並實地試驗其養殖石斑魚的功能。


Aquaponics, A Year in Review Aquaponics Project by Chef Ricky September 8, 2011 Almost a year ago I wrote my first blog about Aquaponics here. In the article I cited a link to a video of an art project called “Farm Fountain” that inspired me to start my first experiment in sustainable, organic, indoor gardening using the natural cycles of bacteria (the nitrogen cycle) to grow food. The term for doing this using fish waste as the fertilizer source is called aquaponics, or AP. Since then, my blog ( the aptly named “Chef Ricky’s FoodStream” ) has developed into exclusively aquaponics updates and news. My work (and disasters) using indoor aquaponics will be in a book this Oct. I am very pleased by the outcome of the initial experiment. Not only have I learned more about the nitrogen cycle than any biology class has EVER taught me, but I have ended this season with an amazing new group of AP enthusiasts, a delicious bounty of crops, and some plans to make AP in Seattle a more recog...


Bioponica™ Research and development of sustainable farming systems for education, jobs and food security. Algosolar, LLC, dba Bioponica™ was established in 2010 when David Epstein, D.O. and Kenneth Lovell P.E. got together to and decided to implement a system that Dr. Epstein conceptualized would grow food entirely from site-derived resources. The two form a well rounded association, with each bringing a unique set of skills to the team. Epstein is a holistic Osteopthic physician who founded and operated a distribution company, Earth Solutions, for 15 years including the design, branding, packaging and sales of products that provide alternatives choices for health and wellbeing. Lovell is a veteran professional engineer with expertise in soil, wastewater management and bioremediation. He also has managed a hydroponic tomato farm and currently along with his wife maintains a 10,000 square foot garden in Grant Park from which they produce and preserve an abundance of food year...


Rooftop Farm 屋頂農場 http://rooftopfarms.org/

Female Reproduction

Female Reproduction Taiwan Lab Creates Fluorescent Angelfish Glowing examples of innovative biotechnology. Fluorescent angelfish in a Taiwan laboratory. The Jy Lin Company, Taiwan’s largest exporter of ornamental fish, has for the first time, successfully inserted a fluorescent protein gene into the reproductive organs of medium-sized fish, allowing them to produce radiant offspring. Company spokesman Lin Yu-Ho, explains how the process works for this particular fish family. [Lin Yu-Ho, Jy Lin Company]: “With the medium-sized cichlid fish, its biological cycle cannot be controlled by artificial lighting, plus the low number of fertilized eggs makes collection a challenge. It will take a very long time with the micro-injection method. For species like these, we deployed the method of reproductive organ electroporation. We inject fluorescent genes into the reproductive organs and leave the male and female fish to reproduce on their own, and then they can give birth to fluorescent babi...


TEDxWarwick - Charlie Price - Aquaponics - Getting More out of Less Charlie Price from the social enterprise Aquaponics UK, explores the role aquaponics can play in the future of our collective food supply. He provides an insight into both the applications for aquaponics but more specifically a new approach to urban agriculture, turning wastes into resources and transforming disused urban spaces to provide not only food, but resilient communities.

Flora Raft

Here we introduce the FLORA Raft for Garden, Hydroponics, Aquarium and Aquaponics System. Flora raft is designed by Mr. Jim Huang who have 25 years garden experience. Flora raft is suitable to grow the plan over water. So you may grow up your plant on fish tanks, pond, hydroponics system, and aquaponics system, etc. No extra effort to build up the plant system. 100% designed in Taiwan, made in Taiwan. 100% recycled plastic material. Recommended by Taiwan Aquaponics Association suitable for aquarium, home, office, school, labortory, or any aquaponics system. FLORA EXPO 2010, Taiwan


德文網頁 Internationale Fachmesse für den Heimtier-Bedarf Weltangebot der Heimtierbranche Nürnberg, Germany 17.-20.05.2012 英文網頁 International Trade Fair for Pet Supplies The top event worldwide Nürnberg, Germany 17 - 20.05.2012

DIY環保水池 家門口養金魚

金魚不像錦鯉般耐濁度高、耐溫差大,所以,一般都養在室內溫控的魚缸裡,今年獲得環保局「家戶綠美化」連棟組冠軍的宜蘭縣礁溪國中理化老師陳柏羽,運用所學,DIY在自家門口完成水景花園景觀造景,不僅可以在戶外養金魚,也可以成為親子的戲水池,頗具巧思。 陳柏羽剛搬到宜蘭市名人居時,由於社區居民都會主動做好綠美化工作,眼見他遲遲不動手,還有鄰居主動表示是否需要幫忙,讓他覺得很不好意思,隨即運用所學打造魚池。 宜蘭多地震,為了防止地震可能會讓水池產生裂縫滲水,他採用不鏽鋼材質做水池,還安裝了過濾槽,淨化水質;過濾槽採分段潔水,分別放了濾棉、珊瑚石、粗生化棉及生化陶瓷,其中的珊瑚石就有調整PH值的作用,有助於金魚生存,也有利於金魚避暑。 為了讓金魚可以生存,他還養了半年的水才放魚,池水自此沒有換過水,透過自動化的淨水過濾槽過濾,循環使用,水不浪費,具有環保概念;池邊岩石縫種植了許多植物,還安裝了細水管澆水,讓岩壁產生青苔,透過植物過濾,讓池水保持乾淨。 陳柏羽說,他的規劃概念來自於掌中缸,若找人代工,大約需要30萬元經費,由於都是他自己動手做,耗材大約只花費15萬元;最大的特色是,它是個「懶人花園」,透過全自動自然循環運作,不僅不用澆水、換水,植物也長不快,不用常修剪。 陳柏羽的大女兒經常會脫了鞋子,就跟爸爸坐在魚池邊泡腳戲水,不過,水池裡裝有夜間投射燈,不免讓人起疑,難道不怕漏電電人嗎?陳柏羽說,為了讓孩子安心玩水,他裝了漏電斷路器,設想周全。 自由時報記者楊宜敏/宜蘭報導


Aqua Sciences, Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Florida, established to develop and bring to market innovative water technologies, including proprietary atmospheric water capture and purifications systems. Unlike other technologies such as refrigerant dehumidification-based systems that do not work in low humidity conditions, Aqua Sciences' revolutionary technology extracts water from the atmosphere virtually anywhere that human beings live. Our breakthrough technology has been independently tested and has been proven to consistently produce excellent water quality. Our team of outstanding engineers brings nearly two decades of water extraction experience to the company. Aqua Sciences, Inc. 是一家 總部位於 佛羅里達州的 Delaware 公司 , 推出 創新的 水處理技術 , 包括專門從 大氣取水及 水 淨化 系統 。相對於 製冷 除濕 的系統無法在 低 濕度條件下 工作 , Aqua Science, Inc. 革命性的技術 可在 幾乎任何地方直接 從大氣中 提取 水 。 我們 突破性的技術 已通過獨立 測試,並 已被證明可 一貫 生產 優良 的水質。 我們 優秀的工程師 擁有近廿年 水萃取的 經驗 。 Aqua Sciences, Inc. is poised to transform the water industry wh...


  Google的萬象水族館 Liquid Galaxy-Aquarium HTML5, WebGL and JavaScript. Each of the 8 machines is running Chrome. They communicate using WebSockets to a node.js server using the socket.io library. You can find out more info at http://webglsamples.googlecode.com