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Iron in Aquaponics by Nate Store y 26FLARES Twitter 2Facebook 6Google+ 18 StumbleUpon 0Pin It Share 0LinkedIn 0inShareBuffer 0Email -- Email to a friend Reddit 0Filament.io Made with FLAREMore Info In this article... Iron in Aquaponics Why is Iron Important? Iron Availability (or Lack thereof) Why are these details important? Plants have adapted to this issue Chelation – An Aquaponic Iron Fixing Technique Other Chelating Agents Forms of Chelated Iron Common thinking about adding chelated iron Cost of Chelated Iron UPDATE: Update #2: Beware red dye in Miller’s FeEDDHA Iron in Aquaponics * *** Fair Warning: This post gets little technical! *** UPDATE: See the bottom of this post to find out what chelated iron products you can use in your AP system! Why is Iron Important? * By mass, iron is the most plentiful element on the planet, and one of the oldest metals known to and used by humanity. It is also an important plant and animal nutrient and thus, very crucial to your aquaponics sy...


太陽能垂直養耕共生農場 SOLAR POWERED VERTICAL AQUAPONICS SYSTEM: This is an original design I made to maximize the yield of a 12′x12′ foot space and use gravity to minimize the energy used for irrigation and nutrient delivery. The system is a vertical spiral aquaponics growing system powered by a single 250 watt solar panel and a small DC water pump/filter system. A single DC pump makes the whole thing work. The tower is 15′ tall at the top of the solar panel and approximately 13′ at the top spiral. There is 6 foot wide plastic fish growing tank at the base. The water from the tank is pumped up through a small PVC pipe to flow slowly down through the plant crops growing in the spiral growing tray. Upon harvest, water flow is increased, the harvest gate at the bottom end of the spiral is removed and the crops flow down the spiral making harvesting easy. The growing bed tray is approximately 360′ feet long by 3 feet wide, creating a grow area of approx. 1080 square feet. Maximum yield per ...


水耕日常管理 水份管理  澆水量依擺置環境條件及植物需水量之多寡而定。 高水位植物: 葉片大、葉多,蒸散作用強或原本即水生種類,如合果芋、黃金葛等,澆水量以容器高之1/2~1/3為最高水位。  低水位植物:  以鬚根多、莖幹枝葉厚實,儲水性高之耐乾性植物種類,如仙人掌與多肉植物類等,澆水量以容器高之1/5左右為最高水位。  澆水法:  每次澆水使水位達到最高水位(容器的1/5或1/3高處),待水位降低至零之後,小盆栽情況約隔1~3天,大容器植栽約隔3~5天再澆一次。  肥料與施肥  改植約3週以後或生機復元後可開始施肥。適用植物如下:  長效性粒劑:  如好康多、奧妙肥等,每3~6月施用一次。  葉面液劑: 如花寶液肥等,可稀釋2000~5000倍,每週施用一次。  速效粉劑:  如花寶、速滋、綠意等,稀釋為土栽時之1/2~1/3濃度,即肥料標示需稀釋1000倍時,再稀釋為2000倍使用,每月施用一次。  交換樹脂肥:  如吸附性淨水劑、肥料電池等,半年更換一次,兼具淨水功能。  介質容器沖洗  原則上水耕系統以半年沖洗一次最佳,沖洗時可清除老腐壞死的根系,刷除積留盆器的肥料殘留鈣鹽,也可更換補充長效肥、淨水劑。如在不可移動的大盆中,可用大量灌水並抽水的方法沖洗鹽漬。表面沾有沉澱鈣的煉石則可更新或刷洗後重新使用。  修剪與摘心:  摘心、疏剪細枝,可促使植株發育姿態矮密而茂盛,對病蟲害也有預防作用,修剪在春、夏季進行最適。  病蟲害防治:  發生病蟲害需迅速剪除患部、清洗葉片以減少蔓延。選用藥劑防治,需注意無毒性、對症下葯,連續使用,直至恢復正常。  換盆:  當植物生長過大,有頭重腳輕,或迅速乾燥的情況就應換盆。換盆時可將根部作1/3縮短疏剪,介質亦可局部或全部換新。  擦拭與亮光劑的使用:  葉面有灰塵時,應用紗布沾水拭擦,如用葉面亮光劑應先將葉面擦淨,注意噴霧距離30公分,勿噴至葉背。  擺飾位置:...


海水農業 Seawater farming addresses the severe lack of freshwater and undesirable soil conditions for agricultural activities in coastal regions. Saltwater, instead of freshwater, can be used to directly support a wide range of sustainable agricultural activities and enrich the soils in the coastal regions. Freshwater, which is defined by having much lower salts and ions concentration than seawater and brackish water, only composes about 2.75% out of all water on Earth, and 74.5% of all freshwater are contained in the glaciers, which are not readily available for consumption. Freshwater is not distributed evenly, and in many regions around the world, such as the Sub-Sahara region and the Sub-Indian continent, water is seriously scarce or heavily contaminated. Freshwater plays an important role in the biological system and are used in many human activities: drinking, recreation, industry and most importantly, food production. Food production, such as agriculture, consumes a large bod...


水耕馴化 土耕馴化  1. 沖洗根部:用水浸泡沖洗根系,不一定需要把土壤完全沖除。  2. 整理根系:修除枯死、腐敗、。糾纏之細根,並將過長、過多部分剪短。  3. 填入介質:用清洗過之發泡煉石,依序分層用大粒墊底、中至小粒仔細填入根系之內、外,將根部完全隱沒,種植深度與原土栽培時深度相仿。  4. 加水:使水位保持在根部區域以下,約至發泡煉石之1/3高。  5. 馴化時機:4~10月植物生長旺盛期間進行生長復原較易。  馴化管理  1.馴化觀念:  同一種類植栽的土生根跟水生根完全不相同,土生根因為需要多吸收散佈在土壤中的養分,往往主根細長,鬚根多;水生根則主根粗壯、多根毛。馴化時,植栽根系必須適應新環境而更新根系的發展,稱為根的馴化期。生育旺盛的觀葉植物,對苗來說,1週內即可恢復生長,植栽越大馴化越慢,往往需要一個月以上的馴化期,如果超過一個月尚無法完成馴化,建議停止馴化。  2. 馴化期間:  馴化其間首重保持保水。根系更新必須部份保持離水部份浸水;水位保持在根系分佈範圍即可,莖葉可疏剪並經常噴霧保濕,儘量不要曝曬、受風,保持明亮而保溫、高濕,減少蒸散。 3. 暫緩施肥:  馴化期間,暫時停止施肥,當新根生長或新芽萌動時,才可開始施用稀釋液肥。 水耕適用植物  水耕系統廣泛適用所有植物,適合多年生觀葉植物及盆花採用,依日照需求量及擺飾位置分類如下: 全日照:  ◎每日有4小時以上陽光直射及4小時以上散射光源,如室內東、西向窗台2公尺以內或南向4公尺以內位置。  ◎仙人掌、多肉植物類及好光性觀葉植物如變葉木、孔雀木、酒瓶蘭、五彩千年木、百合竹等。  半日照: ◎每日至少2小時陽光直射及2小時以上散射光源或燈光照明,如室內東、西、南向、窗台2公尺以內或北向窗台位置。 ◎大部份觀葉植物及少數盆花,如黛粉葉、蔓綠絨、火鶴花等天南星科植物及吊蘭、非洲菫等。  低日照:  ◎每日2小時以下自然光及燈光照明處,如室內半陰離窗4~5公尺位置。  ◎阿波羅千年木、白鶴芋、鵝...


吐霧者 ceramics / wood / aluminum / neoprene The Fogger is a highly efficient, vertical planting unit that is suitable for any indoor and outdoor applications. Just take some pre-germinated fruit or vegetable seedlings of your choice and insert them with the neoprene plugs into the pillar, fill up the tank with water and the included organic fertilizer, connect the cable to an external power supply and you are ready to start your own fully automatic cultivation! Up to six weeks the plants are self-sufficiently supplied with water and nourishment via fogponic cultivation technique: Generated by an ultrasonic head the nutrient-rich fog flows around the roots that grow in the inside of the pillar. In this way, a maximum oxygen supply is provided and the plants full growth potential is released. The self-contained system of the fogger makes sure that excess water and nutrients will be fed back into the circulation and will not get lost through seepage or evaporation. The expected harv...


救國團療癒系養耕共生小盆栽課程  讓您在家森呼吸 美國太空總署研究發現,室內植物能有效淨化甲醛、苯等室內空氣中主要的有毒氣體,進而達到淨化空氣的效果。每天埋首工作的你,是否很久沒有到戶外走走呼吸新鮮空氣了呢? 救國團終身學習中心推出的「森呼吸~療癒系小盆栽」運用簡單易照顧的水耕種法及自然生態養耕法DIY創造魚草共生的小盆栽,除了能夠發揮創意與美感妝點居家空間,更能淨化室內空氣促進身體健康,讓您在家也能天天森呼吸! 歡迎至台南市救國團網站參考終身學習課程簡章,課程詳情請洽詢:(06)3133459,敬請踴躍報名。 救國團終身學習中心網站:http://tnctc.cyc.org.tw/ 救國團台南市終身學習中心部落格:http://cyc86014.pixnet.net/blog 訊息來源:中國青年救國團

2014年台北市申請容積獎勵 1/2屋頂須綠化

2014年台北市申請容積獎勵 1/2屋頂須綠化 為了改善都市熱島效應,臺北市政府啟動「綠屋頂計畫」,積極推動屋頂綠化。從2014年起,台北市政府所屬的市有建築物,只要工程造價5千萬元以上,就要設置綠屋頂;此外,北市府也推動修法,最快明年起,申請容積獎勵的新建物,都需承諾進行屋頂二分之一面積的綠美化。 台北市寸土寸金,開闢新綠地不易,台北市政府將綠化的腦筋動到大樓屋頂,積極推動「綠屋頂」政策。 台北市都發局建管處副總工程司邱英哲指出,綠屋頂是台北市落實永續發展的重要策略,北市府已在北投圖書館、花博公園新生展館,引入綠屋頂設計,並在民間團體的協助下,完成信義區行政中心、劍潭里活動中心及信義國中等薄層綠屋頂試驗實作;根據信義區行政中心實測結果,屋頂中央區綠化後,頂樓室內溫度降低約3至5℃,並具有顯著隔熱效果。 為擴大隔熱節能的效應,並落實郝龍斌市長打造台北市成為花園城市的願景,北市府要求,從明年開始市有的新建建築物,都要朝屋頂綠化的方向進行設計,只要工程造價五千萬元以上的市有新建物都要設置綠屋頂,屋頂平臺至少要綠化一半以上的面積,同時要求設置雨水回收系統與澆灌系統,明年也將擇定二所學校的屋頂完成綠化。 此外,為了擴大推廣「綠屋頂」,都發局指出,已經修正台北市建築管理自治條例,新增訂台北市建築物綠化行政規則,並且已經送入台北市議會送審,預估最快2013年底通過實施。未來申請建築物容積獎勵的建築物,都要進行屋頂二分之一面積的綠化,希望未來台北市有愈來愈多的大樓綠屋頂,徹底改善都市熱島效應。