

目前顯示的是 7月, 2014的文章






寶特瓶的第二春Coca-Cola 2nd Lives   寶特瓶的舊物改造我們過去介紹很多, 只是說大家生活忙碌, 真有時間自己拿工具改造的人 實在不多。由於生活中的寶特瓶用量實在很大, 來自越南的奧美廣告 幫可口可樂想到一個省時又可再利用的好方法, 它們設計了 16 件瓶蓋工具, 只要把喝完的可樂空瓶裝上瓶蓋工具, 它可以是 奶奶的澆花器、 爺爺的啞鈴、 姐姐的削鉛筆機、 弟弟妹妹們的水槍, 厲害了吧!


Alice Atieno 垂直農場-麻袋農法 在肯亞首都奈落比外圍,雜亂擁擠的基貝拉(Kibera)貧民窟,Alice Atieno和這裡近100萬的居民一樣,住在簡陋、隨意搭建的小棚屋中。 特別的是,Atieno的家門口擺著一袋一袋的麻袋,裡頭種著一株株綠色葉菜。身為六個孩子的母親,這些甘藍是他們賴以為生的重要食糧。 NAIROBI, Aug 9 2013 (IPS) - Tucked deep in Kenya’s sprawling Kibera slum is the shanty that Alice Atieno calls home. It is just one among many small, badly-lit shacks built close together in this crowded slum where an estimated one million people live on about 400 hectares. But right on her doorstep stalks of green leafy vegetables grow in soil-filled sacks. For the mother of six, these kale plants are the source of her livelihood. 孩子們深知玩耍時絕對不可以踢到這些蔬菜。「我用裝滿土的布袋種菜,大多是甘藍、菠菜、甜椒和蔥。」Atieno說。這就是貧民窟的都會農業型態。 Her children have learnt to go about their play without knocking the plants over. “Children in the slum understand hunger, they stay clear of the plants. They know that it’s where their food comes from,” Atieno tells IPS. This is urban farming for slum dwellers. “I grow seedlings in sacks filled with soil. I ...


  From the Sky with Vegetables. Globe / Hedron a Rooftop Farm. GLOBE / HEDRON is a bamboo greenhouse designed to organically grow fish and vegetables on top of generic flat roofs. The design is optimized for aquaponic farming techniques: the fish’s water nourishes the plants and plants clean the water for the fish. Using this farming technique, GLOBE / HEDRON is optimized to feed four families of four all year round. GLOBE / HEDRON is designed to be manufactured and retailed at a low cost. Easy-to-set-up units can be combined to scale up food production capacity. Using a geodesic dome, the load of the fish tank rests on the frame of the greenhouse and is redistributed to a larger surface. Because of this design, the aquaponic farm can be housed on more roofs without any structural building adaptation. The dome structure is designed to be built with bamboo, so that it is biodegradable and organically farmed. GLOBE / HEDRON is designed by Antonio Scarponi / Conceptu...


循環農業 隆冬時節,記者來到山東省博興縣,遠遠地看到了孫志剛的這所大房子。在寂靜的傍晚,這座建築顯得格外醒目。這裡成了博興縣一道亮麗的風景。 奇怪的是,這麼漂亮的房子是用來養豬、種菜的。蔬菜的產量是普通種植的四倍,豬肉也賣到市場價的兩倍。 帶著好奇,記者準備隨孫志剛走進大房子。進去之前先要消毒。 在一樓,記者見到了這些傢伙。它們的生活條件真夠講究的。在這封閉的大房子裡,雖然是在嚴寒的冬季,環境卻是溫暖如春。 【採訪】山東省博興縣某生態高效循環農業開發有限公司總經理孫志剛:我覺得豬生活的比我們都好。 【解說】:這裡一年四季的溫度都是豬感覺最舒適的溫度。而且,這麼多豬生活在一起,既見不到什麼糞便,也沒有什麼異味。 等上了二樓,卻又是另一番景象。一排排彩燈,金碧輝煌。西紅柿整齊一致,生機盎然。 在這裡,就像身處於天然氧吧。 【採訪】山東省博興縣某生態高效循環農業開發有限公司總經理孫志剛:這裡邊空氣、濕度、光照都特別舒服。並且還是綠色的。在這裡邊工作心情特別好。她們工作又特別輕鬆,已經顛覆了面朝黃土背朝天的那種勞作模式了。 【解說】:孫志剛建造的這個大房子是一個現代化溫室。 我們常見的溫室一般就一層,大部分是用來種花、種菜。這個溫室,卻與眾不同,上下兩層,二樓種菜,一層養豬。 更神奇的是,10畝地,一年的產值就有8千萬元。這麼高的產值,完全來自於溫室內部的能源循環利用,這在全世界也不多見。 【採訪】山東省博興縣某生態高效循環農業開發有限公司總經理孫志剛:沒有任何廢棄物。我們整個是環保的,污染沒有排放,零排放。 【解說】:說來神奇,不過,為了建造這個溫室,孫志剛也投入了大量資金,光圖紙就花掉了15萬美元。 15萬美元買來一套圖紙 【採訪】山東省博興縣某生態高效循環農業開發有限公司總經理孫志剛:覺得這是瘋子乾的活吧。我也覺得自己是一個瘋子,15萬美元,折合人民幣百十萬元,一百多萬元。 【解說】:這些圖紙為什麼這麼值錢,孫志剛又怎麼會如此青睞?這還得從2002年說起。 【採訪】山東省博興縣某生態高效循環農業開發有限公司總經理孫志剛:我2002年主要做研修生外派。主要向日本、韓國、新加坡等國家派出這種勞務研修生,農業的研修生派出的比較多。 【解說】:孫志剛靠勞務輸出和培訓積累了一些資金,2010年,開始投資農業項目。孫志剛的老家就在博興縣,離蔬菜之鄉壽光市也就幾十公里。他...

都會農耕: 零成本的七種菜園加分法

都會農耕: 零成本的七種菜園加分法 7 No-Cost Ways to Grow More Food in Your Garden by Sami Grover,  翻譯: Sunny Arky When I wrote a post about products that help promote soil biodiversity, some commenters were skeptical about commercial products that are shipped long distances with all the packaging and waste that goes with them. They may have a point. After all, the secrets of healthy soil usually start at home. And many of them are free. Here are some of our favorites 堆肥 沃土首重養土,培養土壤中益生菌,你可以選用肥料或有機物。不管蚯蚓堆肥或紙箱堆肥,利用身邊的素材就能自製肥料,不僅補充作物養分並培養土壤益生菌,並提升保水及排水能力,並減少垃圾量! Compost everything First and foremost, if you want to build healthy, lively soils, you first have to add food for the soil microbes that inhabit it. That food comes in the form of compost and other organic matter. Whether you are  making worm compost  or  composting cardboard boxes , creating your own soil amendments from materials that would otherwise go to waste is a no-brainer. Not only does it add pl...