

目前顯示的是 12月, 2016的文章


香草香腸 網路售價:250元/包 配送方式:冷凍配送 ◎真空包裝 百里香香腸/迷迭香香腸/馬告香腸 成分:百里香、精選花蓮豬肉、砂糖、鹽、辛香料等 食用方式: 1.解凍後 直接煎煮 2.使用烤箱 每烤約5-10分鐘進行翻面,重複翻面 直至熟透為止 3.使用電鍋蒸煮後 再使用烤箱烤酥 或使用平底鍋乾煎亦可 4.切片與蔥 蒜等拌炒 亦美味 。 內容量:600g/真空包 製造日期:標示於產品包裝上 保存期限:24個月 保存方式:需冷凍 店家滿2000元以上免運費,未滿2000元自付運費150元


Whenever I’m back in London, I find myself daydreaming about what life would be like if I still lived there. My mind turns quickly to what I could grow more easily in that imaginary urban garden than here in Devon. Perhaps surprisingly, urban gardens tend to be much more hospitable places to grow than rural areas. The buildings, roads and other infrastructure store, reflect and radiate the sun’s warmth, creating a microclimate that is usually warmer than the countryside. Houses, fences and walls provide valuable shelter. The seemingly small advantages within this microclimate can make a real difference to what you can grow. As well as tomatoes, chillies, sweet peppers and aubergines, there are many delicious, marginal perennials that can thrive in an urban garden too. A couple of extra degrees may encourage figs to fully ripen, the shelter can help apricot blossom escape late frosts and cold spring winds, and the residual heat released by a south-facing wall can take a nectarin...