Pterophyllum scalare 螢光神仙魚 Gene Transfer in Taiwan is World-Renowned Internationally, Taiwan is a leader in biotechnology research and development. Today (May 25), a press conference at the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, was held by scientists and the Jy Lin Company , the biggest exporter of ornamental fish in Taiwan, to announce that the first green-fluorescent angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) and convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatus) in the world have successfully been developed. The body colors of these two fish are a beautiful green fluorescent under blue light (as shown in the picture). With help from the Council of Agriculture and Fishery Agency, this industrial-academic cooperation received technical guidance from Academia Sinica and the “Office for the Promotion of Industrialization of Agricultural Biotechnology”. Then, through the screening and breeding undertaken by the technical team at Jy Lin Company, the beautiful new fish were cultivated which can be u...