Amphirpion ocellaris
Amphirpion Ocellaris is a marine fish belonging to the family Pomacentridae which includes clownfishes and damselfishes. Amphiprion ocellaris are found in different colors, depending on where they are located. For example, black Amphiprion ocellaris with white bands can be found near northern Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan. Orange or red-brown Amphiprion ocellaris also exist with three white bands (like mentioned above) spanning from its body and head. Amphiprion ocellaris can be distinguished from other Amphriphon fish based on the number of pectoral rays and dorsal spines. Amphiprion ocellaris are known to grow about 110 mm long. Like many other fish species, females are, however, larger than males. The life cycle of Amphiprion ocellaris varies in whether they reside at the surface or bottom of the ocean. When they initially hatch, they reside near the surface. However, when Amphiprion ocellaris enters into the juvenile stage of life, they travel down to the bottom to find shelter from a host anemone. Once they find their anemone, they form a symbiotic relationship with them.
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Amphirpion Polymnus |
Color ranges from dark brown to yellow orange with a thick white bar located just behind the eyes. A large white abbreviated saddle shape or slanted white bar across the middle of the fish's body makes it quite obvious to see how it got the name Saddleback.[4] In some varieties, typically those specimens initially associated with H. crispa anemone, the saddle shape may extend up onto the fish's Dorsal finwith a third white bar or margin located across the caudal peduncle (pictured in taxobox).
Melanistic variation has also been partially correlated with the fish's host anemone. Specimens associated with H. crispa tend to be darker than those associated with S. haddoni. Aquarium specimens have been observed becoming lighter or darker after accepting a new host anemone species, sometimes within a few hours. The external edge of the caudal and the anal fins are underlined with a white line. Thesnout and the pectoral fin are in any case of color variation orange yellow to brownish orange.
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Amphirpion Perideraion |
Behavior with other fish in the wild includes sharing its host with Amphiprion akallopisos. It has successfully been bred in an aquarium.
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Amphirpion Frenatus |
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Amphirpion Clarkii is a small-sized fish which grows up to 10 cm as a male and 15 cm as a female. It is stocky, laterally compressed, and oval to rounded.
Amphirpion Clarkii |
It is colorful, with vivid black, white, and yellow stripes, though the exact pattern shows considerable geographical variation. Usually it is black dorsally and orange-yellow ventrally, the black areas becoming wider with age.[3] There are two vertical white bands, one behind the eye and one above the anus, and the caudal peduncle is white. The snout is orange or pinkish. The dorsal and tail fins are orange-yellow,[4] and the tail fin is generally lighter in tone than the rest of the body, sometimes becoming whitish. Juveniles are orange-yellow with vertical white bands.
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Professional Anemonefish/Clownfish fish farm at Taiwan
Thomson Artwork (Group)
Ocean Corner Aquaculture Trade Co., Ltd.
Contactor: Anita Huang,
Fax: +886.2.2961.9691
小丑魚屬於雀鯛科 Pomacentridae之海葵魚亞科 Amphiprioninae,本亞科可分成海葵魚屬(Amphiprion)27 種,及棘頰海葵魚屬(Premna)1 種,全世界28 種。臺灣周邊海域有5種分布,均為海葵魚屬,分別為公子小丑、鞍背小丑、咖啡小丑、紅小丑及雙帶小丑等,均可繁殖外銷,並可生產種苗供應全球市場需求。其次,來自國外之黑公子、黑邊公子、澳洲雙帶、所羅門雙帶、澳洲藍帶、玫瑰、透紅、金透紅、印度紅小丑及銀線小丑等 10 個 品種,也順利完成人工繁養殖技術研發。
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