

目前顯示的是 10月, 2011的文章


神農水晶宮(Plantagon) 2011永續農業環球獎, (Globe Award 2011) 神農水晶宮 The core of the Plantagon solution to a vertical greenhouse is a spiral-shaped transport mechanism that slowly moves thousands of soil-filled planting boxes upward as the plants grow. The Plantagon Greenhouse can be integrated into existing or new infrastructure to increase the efficiency regarding use of water, waste and energy. 神農水晶宮是一個螺旋式的垂重溫室,其中植物生長箱可以隨著植栽的成長緩慢移動,同時也可以根據水資源,廢棄物及能源重新調整 The Plantagon automated greenhouse is estimated to be 5–10 times more efficient than traditional ones when it comes to staff, and 2–4 times when it comes to profit per square meter. Compared to existing greenhouse technology, the Plantagon Greenhouse produces up to than 10 times more crops per ground area used. 神農水晶宮更可客制化達到5~10倍的傳統土地的效率,或每平方米2~4倍的獲利率,相比傳統溫室,神農水晶宮的效率更為提高 The Plantagon greenhouse makes it possible to purchase little but expensive land in or near is to place the vertical greenhouse in a city near environment, close t...


"Aquaponic Gardening" is the definitive do-it-yourself home manual, focused on giving you all the tools you need to create your own aquaponic system and enjoy healthy, safe, fresh, and delicious food all year round. Format: Paperback / softback, 336 pages Release Date: 11 October 2011 作者: Ms. Sylvia Benistein, The Aquaponics Source Inc. 協會代購: NTD$930 (含美國到台灣及台灣本地郵寄費用) 交期約兩週


養耕共生環保增產 Aquaponics Solves Agricultural Environmental Problems While Increasing the World’s Food Production 我們如何在2050時生養90億的人口又不會危及地球生態,答案就是養耕共生- Can we feed the more than 9 billion people anticipated to live on this planet in 2050 without destroying Earth’s life support systems?” Sylvia Bernstein, author of the recently released book "Aquaponic Gardening, says the answer is a definitive "yes." Boulder, CO (PRWEB) October 21, 2011 我們如何在2050時生養90億的人口又不會危及地球生態,答案就是養耕共生 “Can we feed the more than 9 billion people anticipated to live on this planet in 2050 without destroying Earth’s life support systems?” This captivating conundrum began an October 12, 2011 University of Minnesota press release that became the just released cover article for Nature Magazine’s October 20, 2011 edition titled "Solutions for a Cultivated Planet." The article details the recent findings of an international group of scientists and researchers tasked with nothing less than...


氮肥: 莖葉生長期最需要氮元素,氮供應若適當,光合作用旺盛,則蛋白質、葉綠素及其他氮化合物均可製成,同時纖維素、木質素也可合成。 但若氮量過多,糖分被分去生成氮化合物,而合成纖維素跟木質素所需糖分減少,所以會葉子特大,但是莖葉軟弱。 磷肥: 磷一方面是核酸、磷脂的型態,成為細胞核的成分,成為製造細胞的材料。另一方面幫助合成醣類、蛋白質等有機化合物的工作。 磷酸分子可再體內使用多次,進入葉子中的磷會隨葉片老朽轉往新生組織。故缺磷症狀由下葉顯現磷不足,生育不良,根群發育也差,葉小而開花延遲。 與缺氮不同的是:缺氮葉呈黃色,缺磷通常呈無光澤暗綠色,或紫色。 磷在種子含量高,過去認為是果肥,宜於結果前施予,但從磷在植物體內功用看來,該在生育初期就令其吸收,效果更佳。 一般植物體內最需要的依序是: 氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂、硫。 微量元素是: 錳、鐵、硼 。 磷肥的功用 : 磷為細胞核重要的組成元素,促進植物生長和果實成熟,因此又稱「果肥」或「實肥」。 磷肥的種類 : (一)天然磷肥 : 多取自鳥糞或骨頭粉。 (二)人工磷肥 :1.過磷酸石灰:灰白色粉末,主要以氟磷灰石[CaF2•Ca3(PO4)2]為原料,經酸分解,得磷酸二氫鈣[Ca(H2PO4)2]和硫酸鈣(CaSO4)的混合物。2.托馬士磷肥:主成分為磷酸四鈣(Ca4P2O9)。受到植物根部分或以酸作用或CO2的分解,生成水溶性磷酸二氫鈣,被植物吸收。 鉀肥: 鉀肥的功用: 鉀肥可以增強植物對病蟲害的抵抗力,促進植物合成澱粉.醣類的光合作用,對纖維素的生長也很有幫助,又稱為「莖肥」。 鉀肥的種類: (一)天然鉀肥有草木灰。 (二)人工鉀肥 : 氯化鉀(KCl)、碳酸鉀(K2CO3)、硝酸鉀(KNO3)等中性的鉀鹽 。 ※果實風味的甜與酸,牽涉最重要的因素就是糖酸比,僅管含糖量愈高,但酸度仍高,果實風味仍酸,而酸度極低,即便含糖量不高,果實風味仍甜。最明顯的例子比較,西瓜含糖百分比為10~12%,檸檬含糖百分比為9~10%,為何二者風味差距這麼大?就是跟果實有機酸含量有關。 磷對於果實風味的影響並不大,最主要的影響是在於,將植物體光合產物的碳水化合物轉化成澱粉與多醣類纖維素,磷質愈高,轉化程度愈大,相對含糖量會降低,而提升了有機酸對糖類的比例。 鉀對於果實含糖量則有很明顯的影響...


How Aquaponics Works They say one person's trash is another's treasure. The day-old bagels a franchise views as too stale for customers taste perfectly delicious to the hungry when they're distributed at a homeless shelter. The annoying, hyperactive puppy one family abandons at the dog pound because it chews shoes becomes another family's rambunctious little delight. What one group sheds as waste, another takes in as nourishment. It's a lovely circle. With aquaponics, this same circle is turning -- only it doesn't have anything to do with bagels or puppies. Aquaponics is a method of cultivating both crops and fish in a controlled environment. The fish are kept in tanks, and the plants are grown hydroponically -- meaning without soil. They sit in beds, but their roots hang down into a tub of water. When fish live in tanks, their waste builds up in the water, and it eventually becomes poisonous to them. But what is toxic for fish is nourishing for plants -- they l...


Backyard Aquaponics Ashley Walsh Growing vegetables by aquaponics not only produces tasty home grown veggies but also your own fish to eat. However, an aquaponics system can be set up in a relatively small area, yet still produce an abundance of backyard vegetables. Darren and Belinda Vance have a large backyard dedicated to fruit and vegetables but also grow vegetables using aquaponics. Darren says the difference between aquaponics and hydroponics is that aquaponics is totally natural. "You don't add any chemicals, the nutrients for the plants all come from the fish waste and the bacteria living in the grow beds." He says with hydroponics those nutrients are supplied artificially. The system in the Vance's backyard comprises two fibreglass fish tanks, one of a thousand litres and the other of four hundred litres. There are also three different size grow beds, using expanded clay pebbles as the growing medium. Darren says a pump is running constantly...

蚯蚓堆肥 DIY

蚯蚓堆肥DIY ●什麼是蚯蚓堆肥 蚯蚓堆肥是利用蚯蚓來把食物殘渣,廚餘、報紙和厚紙板等轉變為營養的堆肥,這些堆肥能使用在花盆植物、草坪或花園等地方。它非常容易製造,你可以在室內(甚至在公寓裏)或室外製造。許多人在其後院利用枯枝敗葉來做堆肥也同時利用蚯蚓來把食物殘渣和廢紙變為堆肥。 ●為什麼要用蚯蚓來做堆肥 蚯蚓堆肥比一般堆肥多了一些優點。 *它較不佔空間,你甚至可以在一個40公升的桶子製造蚯蚓堆肥。 *它花費較少勞力。你不需要堆成一大堆和轉動它。即使你只有有限的東西殘渣,你仍然可做蚯蚓堆肥。 *它是最快的方法來把紙變為堆肥。普通的堆肥法不容易把紙變為堆肥。 *它能產生較營養的土壤。你的植物及農作物將會得到更多營養,也能更快得到它。 ●蚯蚓 紅蚯蚓最適合做堆肥;不要使用黑蚯蚓或其他大型、土壤鑽孔的蚯蚓。 ●需要的東西 紙。紙可當做蚯蚓居住的墊底。蚯蚓將會把墊底和其他東西一起吃掉。你能夠使用任何一種紙,但是蚯蚓吃硬紙板、餐巾紙和其他較粗糙的紙快於其他細緻的影印及寫作紙。食物殘渣。幾乎任何水果、穀物或蔬菜除了油以外均很適合蚯蚓堆肥。蛋殼、咖啡渣、和茶包等也可以。加一些培養土以供給適合的環境。樹葉和其他的庭院修剪物能夠用來當做部份的墊底。做室外堆肥時家畜的糞便是蚯蚓很好的食物。 ●需避免的東西 *貓狗的糞便能散播疾病。 *肉類和其他的動物產品、有鹽分的食物、魚和油會產生臭味並吸引害蟲。 *一些彩色的油墨含有有毒金屬(避免彩色影印的紙或報紙)。 ●選用容器 雙層養殖箱已經夠大能讓一個中等家庭利用食物殘渣來做堆肥。 ●開使進行 *把報紙或厚紙板撕成條狀,用水浸泡再排水掉。 *把這些墊底紙放到桶子裏約佔1/3的空間並混合培養土。 *根據你每一星期打算做的堆肥量,開始先放入約2斤的蚯蚓來吃約1公斤的食物殘渣。 收穫 約兩三個月可取出蚓糞。 提示 *如果先把厚紙板浸泡水,將會比較好撕成條狀做為墊底 *當保存食物殘渣時,如果把食物殘渣切碎或擣碎並保持濕潤蚯蚓將會較快吃完它 *適合堆肥的蚯蚓能夠生長在花園或景觀工程等的厚層潮濕的覆蓋物之下 *如果有豐富的食物和良好的環境,蚯蚓能每隔90天增加一倍的數量。 蚯蚓排遺物的收穫 一、收穫時期: 當飼料(有機廢棄物)有規則地陸續施於一定空間的蚯蚓飼育箱中,蚯蚓與...


在家做水耕 COMMERCIAL HYDROPONIC BUSINESS GROWERS Hydroponics Greenhouse Business Opportunities Commercial Hydroponic Greenhouse Growers can increase greenhouse profitability and improve their competititve position by utilizing growing substrates that increase crops yields and produce larger, healthier plants in a shorter time. Sure to Grow® was designed by growers for growers, providing signifcant advantages to growers in the areas of: germination, yield, crop quality, pH and nutrient management, disease and greenhouse labor. A Superior Hydroponic Substrate Sure to Grow® products are the superior alternative to hydroponic growing media and conventional growing media including: Rockwool, Oasis Horticubes, Coco Fiber (coir), Jiffy Cubes, Perlite, Vermiculite, Soilless Mix and Peat-Lite mix. Crops STG media can be utilized as a growing substrate for commercial greenhouse production of all major greehouse crops including: Hydroponic Basil, Cucumbers, Cut flowers, Edible Flowers, Floricultu...


水耕栽培 一顆種子年產2萬顆番茄 TVBS – 2011年7月20日 日本北海道有一座利用水耕栽培,種植出來的番茄森林,在這個地方,一個番茄種子,一年就能長出2萬顆左右的番茄,水耕栽種方式產量相當驚人,帶您到日本看看這個農業新技術。 導覽員:「我們要過馬路了,請拿起笛子。」 鴨嘴笛尖銳的聲響,在遼闊的草原上傳遞開來,有人戲稱,在北海道,牛的數量可能比人還多,得天獨厚的自然環境,是他們推展環境教育的最大幫手。 在台灣被稱為「草泥馬」的羊駝,是這座牧場的人氣動物,來到這邊,不只可以餵羊駝吃草,還可以看羊駝表演;其實不只羊駝,這座牧場裡的動物,還包括迷你馬、綿羊、乳牛、甚至是少見的駱馬;透過耕耘機拉動的遊園列車,近距離觀察野生動物,這只是牧場裡環境教育的一部分,因為牧場裡真正特別的,其實不是動物,而是植物。 TVBS記者郭展毓:「紅澄澄的番茄長在我的頭頂上,事實上我現在所在的位置,就是在一整座的番茄森林當中,這座番茄森林很特別的是,是用水耕栽培的方式培育出來的。」 盤根錯節的番茄樹,全從底下這個大水槽裡長出來,抬頭一瞧,一顆顆鮮紅的番茄,看起來讓人口水直流,不說大家恐怕很難想像,這棵巨大的番茄樹,可是由一顆種子發展出來的。 Ecorin村大森泰明:「要在土裡扎根,(對植物來說)會造成壓力,所以(水耕)可以減少這困擾,在水中有著讓根繁殖成長的環境,透過這種方式,根會不斷成長,從根部可以得到很多水分和營養,才會長得這麼大。」 所謂水耕栽培,就是不用土壤,只用加了肥料的水來栽種植物,這株番茄樹,一年下來,預估可以收穫將近2萬顆番茄,而且為了促進成長,番茄樹在每天早晚,還得聽音樂才行。Ecorin村大森泰明:「我們認為音樂,可以為植物成長帶來好的影響,所以每天早晚都會放音樂。」 這座番茄森林的意義,不只在種出多少的番茄,展示水耕栽培的農業技術,讓番茄森林多了一層教育意義。


BIOPOD™ PLUS 生態發酵桶 省力型旋轉式絞鏈(傳統上掀型比較費力) 40˚把手方便搬遷。 2“寬斜邊防菌爬坡。頂部坡道讓堆肥流到收集桶。 自動收集桶可簡單的分離。收集桶完成閉合主體:滴水通道直通收集桶,隱藏式手把,同時可直接澆灌。輕鬆便利蓋的支點,允許快速的傾倒食物殘渣,而屏蔽頂部通風門 - 曝氣的關鍵 荷重型,耐候,耐用,使用壽命長, 新鮮空氣可從桶縫進入,通過入口槽桶,從而導致發酵槽的氣體流動 - 不斷提供新鮮空氣 設計嚴謹,適用於是花園和庭院- 森林,農村,郊區和市區 堆肥液通過透水排水墊和穿孔排水板,流入收集桶,維持有氧條件。 強固的排水板將固水分離分佈在不同的隔離區,並讓液肥流出0.5cm的水孔。 本身仿石材的自然外觀 本產品於2011年5月量產後,阻隔唇完全包圍本體頂部。有以下好處 1.完全阻絕懷孕母蟲的脫逃。 2.提供額外的產蛋空間。 3.如果太擁擠 幼蟲會自行移居收集區。 將垃圾桶中所有食物殘渣的臭源,廚房菜餘及花園堆肥,轉移到BOIPOD發酵。 重新收集廚房垃圾和糞便中有價值的物質和蛋白質,將其轉化成可用的活體飼料用以馴養動物,寵物和養殖動物。 堆肥殘渣可以直接使用在花園或農業所需,生產效率更勝以往。 本居家系統提供了兒童教育性,包括永續發展,生態週期和有機園藝。 有助於減少碳足跡與食品相關的轉移和回收。 幼蟲分泌的費洛蒙(種間,提醒和警告其他種類的蒼蠅遠離化學通訊)。 黑兵蟻是自我分離,自動收穫,健壯,高產,耐寒,土著,對人體無害,易於運輸,成體易於乾燥,方便誘食並極富營養! 本體體積 26.5"x 15.5"x 16"(長寬高) 9"可分離圓蓋 排水板:27×44×0.3公分(長寬厚) 效率分析 消化能力:每天最多(2.2公斤), 食物殘渣:4-6位成人廚餘(含肉類) 15-20%食品廢棄物生物轉化成BioGrubs 5%的生物轉化成黑色堆肥土 容積 主體:38公升 收集籃:7.5公升 淨重:3.9公斤 Composition Pod Parts - Roto-molded, UV-stabilized, medium density polyethylene resin Drainage Plat...


通常最好的有機食品是盡量選擇最近的食材,因此選擇最近的市集,家庭農場或其他永續農業所生產的區域 The best organic food is what's grown closest to you. Use our website to find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies. Want to support this great web site? Shop in our catalog for things you can't find locally! http://localharvest.org

養耕志士Mr. Sahib Punjabi

Sahib Punjabi  This video was taken during the walk-through portion of the visit to Sahib Punjabi's aquaponics farm as part of the 2011 Central Florida Aquaponics Tour organized by Cosmo via the AquaponicsCommunity.com Ning Group. Sahib uses a variety of aquaponic growing methods ranging from raft to media to wicking beds with good results. His enthusiasm for aquaponics definitely rubbed off on me. 更多有關Sabhib Punjabi的個人資料請瀏覽 http://aquaponicscommunity.com/profile/SahibPunjabi


Connie Rice: A Fish Story She’s enthusiastic, educated and energetic. She’s also in the right place. In spite of being a vegetarian she’s teaching kids how to raise fish for harvest and loving it. Connie Rice, Community Youth Development Institute’s (CYDI) newest science teacher has found a home. With a Masters Degree in environmental science from Ohio State University, she decided to pass on research; she wanted to work with people. She joined Teach for America, that led to her position as a first year teacher at CYDI, a Youth Connection Charter School Campus. Rice has the responsibility for the CYDI “Aquaponics” program. That is the combination of aqua culture and hydroponics, a method of growing crops and fish together in a re-circulating system. More than 100 Tilapia provide the main nutrients for a grow bed with four dozen basil plants. In the integrated system, gravity circulates water which creates nitrogen to feed the plants. Students working with Ms. Rice are litera...


垂直農場 Vertical crop system is piloted A new vertical method for growing crops which claims to use less land and only 5% of the water usually needed is being piloted at a Devon zoo. The system grows plants in trays of water moving on a conveyor belt. The company behind it, Valcent, based in Launceston, Cornwall, said it was a sustainable solution to the world's "rapidly-diminishing resources." Paignton Zoo is planning to use it to grow herbs, leaf vegetables and fruit as food for its animals. This could be especially helpful in urban areas Professor Jules Pretty, University of Essex The hydroponic system rotates the plants on a conveyor belt via a "feeding station" to create airflow and stimulate growth. According to Chris Bradford, managing director of Valcent, a 100sq-metre machine, like the one installed at Paignton Zoo, can grow up to 11,200 plants, which, he says, is 20 times more than could be grown conventionally in a field covering the same area...


Vertical farm in Manchester is a 'multi storey greenhouse' 在曼徹斯特的垂直 多層溫室 農場 By Phil Jeffery BBC News Alpha Farm in Wythenshawe Alpha Farm is created in the derelict Alpha House in Wythenshawe Continue reading the main story 在Wythenshawe的Alpha農場位於Wythenshawe的廢棄Alpha大樓 "Imagine a greenhouse stacked on top of itself, so you have three or four layers of greenhouse - it's a multiple storey greenhouse." 讓我們想像一下,這是一個多層溫室,在溫室上堆疊三層或四層溫室。 Dr Dickson Despommier is a pioneer of vertical farming, an agriculturual technique which has inspired an ambitious new project in Wythenshawe. 迪克森博士是一個垂直農場的先驅,他帶領了一項雄心勃勃的新農業計劃。 His basic idea - to increase the available land for farming - is now being put into practice inside a derelict office block on the edge of Wythenshawe Civic Centre. 最初的想法是-增加農業用地-現在他利用一個廢棄的辦公大樓實驗他的農業計畫。 Over the next two years, Alpha House will be transformed into Alpha Farm, growing produce for the 2013 Manchester International Festival (MIF) on its ei...


偉大科技不在艱深而在貢獻 一公升的陽光   菲律賓的工程師用了一個非常簡單的方式,幫助這個國家最貧窮的人們把光引入家庭,這專案名為一公升的陽光,方法非常簡單只要把一公升的寶特瓶裝滿水,對環境非常綠能,幾乎是完全免費的 [譯註:看完請反思一下,多麼聰明的菲律賓工程師,造福5萬個燈泡] The BBC's Kate McGeown reports from Manila.   印度跟著推廣的報導 智利也推廣到山區的報導 我想台灣就算是離島或山區應該都沒有這種問題才對 Light up dark areas in your home during daytime using this green and sustainable concept. Recycle used clear plastic soda bottles, add water+bleach, then install. After installation this solar light bulb can provide approximately 55 watts of light from the sun! The comments below have noted that this is like a solar tube or deck prism. The communities who benefit from this idea live in areas where the houses hardly have windows and live in darkness even during daytime. Their solution up until this innovation was to turn on the light bulb and use electricity. Source: www.isanglitrongliwanag.org Materials: *PET soda bottle *Galvanized Iron (GI) sheet *Rubber sealant *Bleach *Filtered Water Step 1 Cut ap...


聯合國糧農組織(FAO)漁業委員會召開的水產養殖次委員會通過全球第一本水產養殖認證指導方針;計逾50個國家出席的次委員會會議,系全球唯一政府間探討水產養殖發展的論壇。 該無拘束力的指導方針廣泛探討與水產養殖勞工相關的動物健康、食品安全、環境暨社會經濟等議題;渠等也將參與漁業委員會將於2011年1月在羅馬推動的指導方針批准案。 報導中指出,倘全數國家支持通過水產養殖認證指導方針,認證標示統一化的水產品協助消費者易於分辨其欲購買蝦的養殖過程是否威脅到在沿海沼澤地生長的紅樹林、養殖場勞工有無得到合理的待遇及甲殼類水產品有否污染之虞等情事。 儘管落實水產動物健康及食品安全等議題相關的認證及國際承諾行之有年,該指導方針卻是首次以動物福利、環境議題及社會經濟等不同觀點進行認證。 FAO水產養殖專家Rohana Subasinghe表示,近幾年來市面上出現琳琅滿目、無統一標準、基準及原則可供遵循的養殖水產品認證;指導方針不僅成功凝聚全球成長最快速的食品產業共識,也確保全球流通的水產品系負責任生產及達到消費者的要求。 該指導方針在歷經4年各國政府、生產業、加工業及貿易商間諮商及討論後終於定案。 考慮市場上的養殖戶有近八成屬于後院通常有沿著海岸修建的魚/蝦池的小規模經營,當務之急是避免高成本的認證流程將首當其衝的小型生產者排除在市場之外。 為了開發及落實養殖認證系統,指導方針呼籲政府支持限制水產生產者建造過多的養殖設施。 專家舉出在印度及泰國有很多水產養殖戶共同分攤認證成本以分散經濟壓力的例子,證明小型生產者在現代認證系統下也能以多樣化經營取勝。


If you're like most folks on the planet, you live in a city. This makes growing your own food kinda hard -- we don't all have access to urban lot farms or chicken coops. We've seen some inventive solutions to this predicament, but Growing Cities really pushes the envelope. A farm on your windowsill? Well, sure, that makes sense. But a desk farm? A bench farm? Minifarms growing under streetlights? Read on to discover more designs for places you never thought about growing food


Pesticides. Genetic-modification. Mistreated animals. It could just about kill anyone’s appetite to hear about all the horrible news about food production. Fortunately, the emerging food revolution focuses on both health and re-establishing the connection between people and the food they eat (making it harder to abuse our food sources). Designers are both leading and answering this shift in interest. Philips Design has begun an investigation called ‘Food Probe’ that looks at current social trends and how this may affect the way that people will eat in the future — and how this will manifest in design. Their investigation includes three parts: a self-contained farm for the kitchen, a nutrition farm and a high-tech cooking device.


http://20footurbanfarm.blogspot.com/ 俄羅斯貨櫃養耕溫室