自己種香菇(Grow Your Own Mushrooms!)
Either you love mushrooms or you don't like them at all, it seems. I happen to love them, although I'm picky about the kind. I don't care for morels, which grow in the woods around here. I like the common white button ones, in both their raw form or fried. Yum!
常識(Did you know?)
常識(Did you know?)
The common white button mushroom is an immature portobello mushroom.


To start the growing process, you soak the block in water, then put it back into the cardboard box. Remove the perforated rectangular area on the side of the box, cut an X into the plastic, then mist it twice a day. Within 10 days, there be mushrooms!

I was skeptical. These things don't really work that easily, do they? Well, let me tell you what happened when I ordered one and tried it.
When the package arrived, I was getting ready to leave on a trip. I opened the shipping box and took out the mushroom kit. I set it aside in another room, to deal with when I returned home. A few weeks later, I brought the kit out. Imagine my surprise when I saw this:
Without me doing a thing, the mushrooms had already started growing
out the top of the unopened box!
Those were dried out, so I cut them off and proceeded to follow the instructions for growing. But not a single mushroom grew. I contacted the company to see what I might have done wrong and they were wonderful. They offered to send a replacement kit to me at no charge because they wanted me to try again and experience growing my own mushrooms successfully. (They do have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.)

這些都是多出來的,所以我把它們先摘掉,並進行後續增長的指示。我跟公司連絡看看到我是否那裡做錯了,他們提供給我送免費更換套件,因為他們希望我能再次嘗試成功發展自己的蘑菇。 (他們有一個 100%滿意保證。)
The second kit arrived and once again, I followed the instructions and I GOT 'SHROOMS! They grew very quickly, even though I actually missed a day or two misting them. I cut them off, coated them in flour and fried them in butter. Both Romie and I liked them.

另外,一旦你已經收成,您可以從側面再種植一些更多的香菇,但是我想休息了。試劑盒成本美金$ 19.95(包括一個小噴嘴),這有點小貴,但種植蘑菇還蠻好玩的,一包可以中收成約700克香菇。補充包$ 9.99。
I think this would make a fun gift for the holidays, especially for kids, but I had a pretty good time with it myself. For more information and to order, visit Back to the Roots at http://www.backtotheroots.com. The kits are also available at Whole Foods Market.