Michel Bussien瑞士設計師, 思考不同的綠化,讓人與自然做更親密的接觸。
Oh, the Swiss. Look at what Michel Bussien’s made. It’s called the “Growing Chair” and it’s potted just for you! Sit on your favorite tree and think about how elvish you are. You can see it growing like it’s an ant-farm! Potted and on rollers here, but if you plant it with the right elements in nature, remove the box and the plant is treeish!
It’s an experiment in naturetoligy. Or naturalism. Or un-naturalism? In any case, Bussien wants us to get back to our roots, literally, etc. In his manifesto below, explore the greener side of things for great justice!
哦,瑞士。看看什麼米歇爾 Bussien的提出。這就是所謂的“成長主席”和它的盆栽只為你!坐在你最喜愛的樹,想想你是如何精靈。你可以看到它越來越像它的一隻螞蟻農場!盆栽和滾筒在這裡,但如果你種它與正確的元素的性質,取出盒和工廠 treeish!
- 米歇爾 Bussien
或者做米歇爾 Bussien建議:重新根!
The Nature Manifesto
Having evolved from nature, we have gradually differentiated ourselves from it. Modern society has come to build itself on the perception that nature and man are separated. This differentiation has come to inhibit us and our way of creating. We have now reached the point when the way forward is going back.
We have to accept that we and everything we create are part of nature.
This mindset is essential for evolution as a whole. When applying this to our way of thinking we will liberate ourselves from stagnated conventions.
To move further we need to incorporate the living matter that surrounds us. Let us use the complexity of living nature and include it in our creations. These creations will then redefine the way we reconstruct nature. Only then will we truly move forward.
It is time for man and nature to reunite.
聊到綠化,我想多數人想到的是住家附近的公園或住宅的庭院綠化空間,如果你不是一個喜歡擁抱大自然的都市人,有人幫你想出的一個獨特的點子。這特別的方法是利用傢俱,這個叫做 Growing Chair 會成長的椅子設計,讓你把綠化變成一個別緻的座椅。
我們不可否認人類也是地球上所創造的物種之一,與大自然之間有著密不可分的關係,我們的生活周遭許多的智慧與創作設計,也都跟隨或師法大自然奇妙變化而來,Growing Chair 的設計重新定義了我們與自然界的關聯,現在正是人類必需與大自然合而為一、和平共處的關鍵時刻。
個人觀點 ─
Oh, the Swiss. Look at what Michel Bussien’s made. It’s called the “Growing Chair” and it’s potted just for you! Sit on your favorite tree and think about how elvish you are. You can see it growing like it’s an ant-farm! Potted and on rollers here, but if you plant it with the right elements in nature, remove the box and the plant is treeish!
It’s an experiment in naturetoligy. Or naturalism. Or un-naturalism? In any case, Bussien wants us to get back to our roots, literally, etc. In his manifesto below, explore the greener side of things for great justice!
哦,瑞士。看看什麼米歇爾 Bussien的提出。這就是所謂的“成長主席”和它的盆栽只為你!坐在你最喜愛的樹,想想你是如何精靈。你可以看到它越來越像它的一隻螞蟻農場!盆栽和滾筒在這裡,但如果你種它與正確的元素的性質,取出盒和工廠 treeish!
- 米歇爾 Bussien
或者做米歇爾 Bussien建議:重新根!
The Nature Manifesto
Having evolved from nature, we have gradually differentiated ourselves from it. Modern society has come to build itself on the perception that nature and man are separated. This differentiation has come to inhibit us and our way of creating. We have now reached the point when the way forward is going back.
We have to accept that we and everything we create are part of nature.
This mindset is essential for evolution as a whole. When applying this to our way of thinking we will liberate ourselves from stagnated conventions.
To move further we need to incorporate the living matter that surrounds us. Let us use the complexity of living nature and include it in our creations. These creations will then redefine the way we reconstruct nature. Only then will we truly move forward.
It is time for man and nature to reunite.
聊到綠化,我想多數人想到的是住家附近的公園或住宅的庭院綠化空間,如果你不是一個喜歡擁抱大自然的都市人,有人幫你想出的一個獨特的點子。這特別的方法是利用傢俱,這個叫做 Growing Chair 會成長的椅子設計,讓你把綠化變成一個別緻的座椅。
我們不可否認人類也是地球上所創造的物種之一,與大自然之間有著密不可分的關係,我們的生活周遭許多的智慧與創作設計,也都跟隨或師法大自然奇妙變化而來,Growing Chair 的設計重新定義了我們與自然界的關聯,現在正是人類必需與大自然合而為一、和平共處的關鍵時刻。
個人觀點 ─