

Advocates of 垂直農耕 say growing crops in urban high-rises will eventually be both greener and cheaper.

Want to see where your food might come from in the future? Look up.

The seeds of an agricultural revolution are taking root in cities around the world—a movement that boosters say will change the way that urbanites get their produce and solve some of the world's biggest environmental problems along the way.

It's called vertical farming, and it's based on one simple principle: Instead of trucking food from farms into cities, grow it as close to home as possible—in urban greenhouses that stretch upward instead of sprawling outward.

The idea is flowering in many forms. There's the 12-story triangular building going up in Sweden, where plants will travel on tracks from the top floor to the bottom to take advantage of sunlight and make harvesting easier. Then there's the onetime meatpacking plant in Chicago where vegetables are grown on floating rafts, nourished by waste from nearby fish tanks. And the farms dotted across the U.S. that hang their crops in the air, spraying the roots with nutrients, so they don't have to bring in soil or water tanks for the plants.

However vertical farming is implemented, advocates say the immediate benefits will be easy to see. There won't be as many delivery trucks guzzling fuel and belching out exhaust, and city dwellers will get easier access to fresh, healthy food.

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Looking further, proponents say vertical farming could bring even bigger and more sweeping changes. Farming indoors could reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides, which pollute the environment in agricultural runoff. Preserving or reclaiming more natural ecosystems like forests could help slow climate change. And the more food we produce indoors, the less susceptible we are to environmental crises that disrupt crops and send prices skyrocketing, like the drought that devastated this year's U.S. corn crop.

Dickson Despommier, a microbiology professor at Columbia University who developed the idea of vertical farming with students in 1999, thinks vertical farming will become more and more attractive as climate change drives up the cost of conventional farming and technological advances make greenhouse farming cheaper. In fact, he hopes the world will be able to produce half of its food in vertical farms in 50 years.

Then "a significant portion of farmland could be abandoned," he says. "Ecosystem functions would rapidly improve, and the rate of global warming would slow down."

An Idea on the Rise
A host of vertical farms are up and running in the U.S. and overseas, and others are under construction. Some are backed by nonprofits aiming to promote environmental causes or local job creation. Others will be for-profit ventures meant to meet demand for local produce. And some, like one in South Korea, are being funded by governments looking for ways to boost domestic food security.

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So far, vertical farms are producing only a small amount of food. Advocates are still developing different building designs and growing techniques to boost the efficiency of cultivating food indoors. And a proven business model based on the concept has yet to emerge.

One ambitious project under construction is trying to address all of those challenges at once. At 12 stories, the triangular farm in Linköping, Sweden, will be one of the tallest vertical farms in the world—most max out at several stories—and will use innovative ways to generate revenue. Not only will the company behind the farm, Sweden's Plantagon, sell its produce at a local farmer's market, but it also will lease out office space on most floors.

Another unique feature: Outside the office windows, on the building's southern face, a mechanical track enclosed in its own layer of glass will carry growing plants from the top of the building to the bottom floor. The arrangement is meant to give the plants even exposure to sunlight and allow Plantagon to perform all of its planting and harvesting in one place—on the ground floor. (After planting, a normal vertical elevator takes the boxed plants to the top floor to start their voyage down.) The company plans to produce 300 to 500 metric tons of leafy greens like bok choy a year.

Offsetting Costs
As for the price tag, "it's much more expensive, of course, to build a greenhouse vertical than to build a normal greenhouse," says Hans Hassle, Plantagon's chief executive. But the planned revenue streams will help make up for that, and energy costs will be lower because the setup will use waste from various sources—such as heat from a nearby power plant and biogas produced through conversion of the building's own organic garbage. All told, the planned energy-saving measures will reduce the building's energy use by at least 30% to 50%, Mr. Hassle says.

Mr. Hassle says the company's next greenhouse will be either a demonstration model in Shanghai or a research facility in Singapore. These are good venues for the idea, he says, because they're highly dense and urbanized societies that already need to produce more food locally.

In the U.S., vertical farms are sprouting in urban areas across the country, some in old buildings that have been repurposed for agriculture. One operation called the Plant is producing vegetables in a three-story former meatpacking facility on Chicago's South Side.

The farm grows vegetables on small rafts floating on water, which is filled with nutrients from waste produced by fish in a separate tank—a setup called aquaponics. Light comes from lamps designed to emit the proper wavelengths for plant growth. The Plant is also designing a growing system in which crops could grow sticking out at an upward angle from vertical boards, with nutrients provided to the plant roots by water dripping down a film from pipes near the ceiling.

The Plant was founded by John Edel, a 43-year-old Chicago native who has led other projects to renovate and reuse urban buildings. The facility currently rents out parts of its space to tenants including three farmers and two bakeries and plans to find more; it also intends to open a shared retail area where the tenants can sell their goods.

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GROW ANYWHERE This AeroFarms system is being used in buildings in Seattle, Chicago and elsewhere.

Other farms around the country use different techniques designed to save space, reduce water consumption and even avoid the need for soil. Farms in warehouses and other buildings in Seattle, Chicago, upstate New York and New Jersey, among other places, use an aeroponics system from AeroFarms of Ithaca, N.Y. The method involves growing plants with their roots hanging in the air, where they can be sprayed with water and nutrients.

Omega Garden Inc., of Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, sells a planting device called Volksgarden, a rotating cylinder four feet in diameter and two feet long. Plants grow in a circle around the inside of the cylinder. As the device rotates, their roots dip into a tray holding a liquid solution that provides water and nutrients. A light runs horizontally through the cylinder to nourish the crops.

Green Spirit Farms LLC is using the system in New Buffalo, Mich., in a former plastics-injection facility. The farm plans to fill the space with Volksgarden units stacked three levels high, says Green Spirit site manager Ben Wiggins.

Simpler Solutions?
Still, many agricultural experts aren't sold on the idea of vertical farming. The core argument against it: Conventional farms are the simplest and most efficient places to produce food. Growing food indoors, using artificial lights and other special equipment, means more effort and expense—and cancels out any benefits of being close to customers, critics say.

That's why George Monbiot, a writer and environmental activist based in Oxford, England, says there's "no prospect" that more complicated vertical-farming techniques could contribute substantially to world food production. As for those vertical farming systems that will consume extra energy to power equipment like artificial lights, he says, "Even if you are taking the energy from renewable sources, there are better ways of using that renewable energy."

Likewise, R. Ford Denison, an adjunct professor of agricultural ecology at the University of Minnesota, thinks the energy use from vertical farms would cancel out any fuel savings from transportation. "Food transport from farm to store is a tiny fraction of total agricultural energy use," he says. So if vertical farms use even small amounts of energy to run their systems, or if consumers have to use extra fuel traveling to urban farmers' markets, it "would swamp any energy savings in transporting food to the cities."

Backers say the comparison between conventional and vertical farming isn't apples to apples, since the government heavily subsidizes expenses including crop insurance for traditional agriculture, greatly reducing the costs involved and the risks that farmers face from unpredictable weather conditions.

Food Security
But boosters say the equation will very likely change as severe weather makes indoor farming a safer and more reliable alternative to regular growing. Not only will the rising cost of conventional farming make vertical farms look better in comparison, they say, but vertical farms in some places could end up getting subsidies.

"If we imagine that vertical farming is going to become part of a nation's food-security program, then naturally this part of the industry needs subsidies," Plantagon's Mr. Hassle says.

Dr. Despommier, who is also an adviser to Plantagon, acknowledges that energy use, particularly in artificial lighting, remains a challenge for some vertical farms. But he says the lighting industry has made significant progress in recent years on reducing power consumption for specialized lights to grow plants, and researchers continue to work on the problem.

More broadly, he argues that the idea of vertical farming on a large scale will seem increasingly realistic as techniques evolve. He cites cellphones and plasma-screen televisions as examples of innovations that were unimaginable before their time.

"You have to start small and you have to start at the research level before you jump into the commercial aspect of this thing, but that's the way all these ideas start," Dr. Despommier says. "Everything we have in this world of ours started out crazy."

The Readers Weigh In
Most WSJ.com readers in an online poll have expressed interest in buying local food. Here's a sampling of comments.

I can see how things are grown and made and how the animals are treated. Being knowledgeable about the food you eat is extremely important. Ignorance is no longer bliss when it comes to what goes into your food.

-- Scargosun

The locavore movement isn't just about getting food that is fresher, but also about supporting the local economy. It is "worth it" to keep our dollars and jobs within our community.

-- Carolyn Pearce

The long-term benefits for our environment, local economies and health far outweigh the expense and inconvenience. If more people start buying local then the cost will decline.

-- Ben Schaub

Mr. Fletcher is a staff reporter in The Wall Street Journal's Chicago bureau. He can be reached at owen.fletcher@wsj.com.




蔬菜對溫度日照條件的要求 全日照  8個小時日照 瓜類、茄果類、豆類、山藥、豆薯(地瓜)。番茄、黃瓜、茄子、辣椒等喜溫中、強光性 蔬菜夏秋季生產,玉米、青椒、西瓜、南瓜、西紅柿、茄子、芝麻、向日葵類。 其次是根莖類,如:馬鈴薯、甜菜、胡蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、甘藷、山藥等等。至少需半日照,才能生長,芋頭雖喜歡全日照,但比其他蔬菜耐蔭。  需要中等光照大白菜、甘藍、芥菜、蒜、洋蔥。  長日性蔬菜白菜、甘藍、芥菜、蘿蔔、胡蘿蔔、芹菜、菠菜、萵苣、蠶豆、豌豆、大蔥、洋蔥。 短日性蔬菜豇豆、扁豆、莧菜、空心菜。          中光性蔬菜黃瓜、番茄、茄子、辣椒、菜豆 菜豆 菜豆喜溫暖,不耐高溫和霜凍。菜豆種子發芽的適溫為20-30℃;在40℃以上的高溫和10℃以下的低溫,種子不易發芽。幼苗生長適宜氣溫為18-25℃。花芽分化的適宜氣溫為20-25℃,過高或過低溫度易出現發育不完全的花蕾、落花。 菜豆對光照強度的要求較高。在適宜溫度條件下,光照充足則植株生長健壯,莖的節間短而分枝多,開花結莢比較多,而且有利於根部對磷肥的吸收。當光照強度減弱時,植株易徒長,莖的節間長,分枝少,葉質薄,而且開花結莢數少,易落花落莢。 菜豆根系強大,能耐一定程度乾旱,但喜中度濕潤土壤條件,要求水分供應適中,不耐澇。生長期適宜土壤濕度為田間最大持水量的60%-70%,空氣相對濕度以80%為宜。開花結莢期對水分最敏感,此期土壤乾旱對開花結莢有不良影響,開花數、結莢數及莢內種子數減少。土壤水分過大時,下部葉片黃化,早脫落。空氣濕度過大會引起徒長、結莢不良。 菜豆具有深根性和根瘤菌,對土壤的要求不甚嚴格,但仍以土層深厚肥沃、排水良好的輕砂壤土或粘質壤土為好。土壤過於粘重、低溫、排水和通氣不良則生長不良,炭疽病重。菜豆喜中性至微酸性土壤,適宜的土壤pH為5-7.0,其中以州6.2-6.8最適宜。菜豆最忌連作,生產中應實行2-3年輪作。 菜豆生育過程中,主要吸收鉀和氮較多,還要吸收一定量的磷和鈣,才能良好發育。結莢期吸收磷鉀量較大。磷鉀肥對菜豆植株的生長發育、根瘤菌的發育、花芽分化、開花結莢和種子的發育等均有影響。缺乏磷肥,菜豆嫩莢和種子的品質和產量就會降低。缺鈣,幼葉葉片捲曲,葉緣失綠和生長點死亡。缺硼,則根係不發達,影響根瘤菌固氮,使花和...


燈籠果 燈籠果屬於醋栗科茶蔍屬多年生灌木。株叢高1.2 米左右,果子是一個套着燈籠型莢子的小圓果,比拇指大一點,里面有很多小籽。未成熟時味極酸,成熟後呈黄綠色,完全成熟後呈紫紅色,非常甜,可以用來烤果餅,做果醬。燈籠果花朵燈籠果原產祕魯和智利,但是並不是什麼重要得產品。當地人隨便吃一點,偶爾也在菜市場看到。但是被廣泛的引入各熱帶和亞熱帶地區,所有番茄可以存活的地方都可以種。果醬和罐頭是居民的常用品,也經常出口。中部非洲國家,如加蓬,也有小型果園。 一、燈籠果的生育週期 1、發芽期:從種子吸水萌動到真葉露心為發芽階段,由播種到種子萌芽長出土,達到80%以上,大約需要7~15天。 2、幼苗期:苗出齊後,有80%的植株達到三片真葉,即第一個花萼形成前約20~30天。此期主要是根、莖、葉的生長時期,在生產上要採取良好的措施,培育生長發育健壯的幼苗,為高產、優質、豐產打下良好的基礎。 3、開花期:從開第一朵花開始到最後開的一朵花所持續的天數,為開花日數。最早開的第一朵花達5%的植株為開花始期,以月、日表示,植株最後開的花,而漿果又能在霜前充分成熟的日期為終花期。 4、結果期:結果期分為始期和終期。結果始期,即有5%的植株落花後,坐住果的日期。結果終期,即是終花期的花坐住果的日期。   5、成熟期:漿果成熟期,可分為始熟期和終熟期。始熟期,即有5%的植株第一個果成熟的日期。終熟期即最後充分成熟漿果的日期。燈籠果是由下向上陸續開花結果成熟的。第一個花果實膨大生長,第2~4朵花相繼現蕾、開花和結果。 二、燈籠果對環境條件的要求:   1、溫度:燈籠果性喜溫,不耐霜凍。種子發芽以30℃左右發芽迅速;幼苗生長期20~25℃、夜間不低於17℃適宜生長;開花結果期白天以20~25℃、夜間不低於15℃為宜,否則易引起落花落果。氣溫10℃以下植株停止生長。0℃以下植株受凍。經調查看,幼苗耐低溫能力不成熟,所以露地生殖時期不能過早,而必須在晚霜過後方可栽植。   2、光照:燈籠果對光照要求比較敏感,需要充足的光照。在3000~4000米燭光範圍內,生長發育協調,果實品質優良。光照不足時,植株徒長而細弱,產量下降,漿果著色差,品味不佳。因此,在生產上必須注意種植密度的合理性和打尖、抹芽、整枝的必要性。   3、水分:燈籠果需水較多,尤其在漿果開始成熟前期,枝葉和果實同時生長,需水較多,當漿果大量...


英 文版, English version   中 文版, Chinese version 西班牙文版, Espanol version  連通管基本原理 1. 連通管原理指的是,在一般開放的空間中,幾個液體容器的底部都相通的裝置,而若任一容器內注入液體,則當液體靜止時,各容器的液面必在同一水平面。 2. 兩 端的大氣壓力一樣,但管內兩端的水受重力作用而各自下墜,下墜瞬間,在圓弧頂部拉出一個真空,因真空而有壓力差,此時兩端的大氣壓 力再次從兩端將兩管的水壓回,但壓回的力量是大氣壓力減去管內的水壓(F=(Patm-PH2O)*A),而長管內的水比短管內的水還要重,所以壓回的力 量是短管的壓力大於長管的壓力,所 以,虹吸管內的水就會不斷的由短管端流入而由長管端流出。   3. 如果我們用兩根連通管,所以效率會變成兩倍。 4. 如果用兩根連通管,但是其中一個連接抽水馬達 , 此時 一根連通管是抽水,所以另一根把水送回 , 大氣壓力將兩管的水平衡,所 以,一個馬達可以有兩倍的動力 , 水就會不斷的循環。 問題1:請比較上連通管與下連通管的差異? 問題2:請問雙連通管時,管徑與高度差的關係?   簡易潮汐開關  (外部連通管)  1. 由於水持續進入水箱,水在水箱和潮汐開關內以同樣的速度上升。(潮汐開關內的底部是連通的)。虹吸管是通到外部的。水會持續上升到外部的開口端。 2. 一旦水上升到內部的開口端,它變成一個密封空間。由於水繼續上升,在水箱內水位繼續上升,但速度變慢。同時,水箱內水壓漸大。 3. 由於水位接近高水位線,壓力在開關內鐘將水位上升到臨界,造成部份水會先進入管道。 (同時會將管道上端部份空氣帶出,因為空氣在管內流動,也是噪音最大的時候) 4. 由於水在水箱到達高水位線後,體積空氣被迫壓縮管道,並透過虹吸作用,排出的空氣壓力後,進而開始大量排水。 (一旦開始大量排水,也是聲音最小的時候) 5 .水會一直流出,直到水位低到讓潮汐開關吸入空氣。然後,潮汐開關回歸起始位置。 6. 由於水持續進入水箱,水在水箱和潮汐開關內以同樣的速度上升。(潮汐開關內的底部是連通的)。虹吸管是通到外部的。水會持續上升到內部的開口端。  可以參考以下的...