搭配屋頂花園最完美的八種植物 如果你想搭建漂亮的屋頂花園,你面臨的第一個問題是選擇屋頂上的植物。有幾個重要的決定性因素,包括屋頂上的水源,日照,一般天氣條件,屋頂承重,等等。當然也有不同條件的個別需求。所以,讓我們想要討論滿足各種條件可以搭配不同屋頂花園所需的植物。 If you wish to set up a great looking rooftop garden, the first problem you might face is regarding the choice of plants to be put on the rooftop. Several factors would determine your plant choice, including the availability of water and sunlight on your rooftop, general weather conditions, weight your rooftop can handle, etc. There may be several other factors varying per individual needs. So, let us find out the kinds of plants that would suit various conditions and are the best for rooftop gardens. 山茱萸( Kousa Dogwood ) 山茱萸 雖然它是小樹,但可能高達10公尺。你可以做一個基台,就可以長的很好。在夏天 山茱萸有 白色或粉紅色的花。在秋天,可以欣賞水果和紅紫色的葉子。 Though it is small to be called a tree, some of its varieties may grow up to 30 feet. You may make a good foundation on the rooftop using Kousa Dogwood (Cornus Kousa). This plant looks amazing with its white or pinkish flowers in summers. During ...