5 Story Farm In The Middle of The City– Growing Power Vertical Farm Project
Growing Power wants to build a 5 story Vertical Farm in the middle of Milwaukee!
The Vertical Farm
“…Imagine a five-story farm in the middle of a city! This innovative conceptual design developed by Growing Power and The Kubala Washatko Architects, Inc. will expand and improve Growing Power’s greenhouse and aquaponics operations currently spread over a two-acre site located in the City of Milwaukee. Five stories of south-facing greenhouse areas will allow production of plants, vegetables, and herbs year-round. Expanded educational classrooms, conference spaces, demonstration kitchen, food processing and storage, freezers, and loading docks will further support Growing Power’s expanding mission as a local and national resource for learning about sustainable urban food production. Administrative offices, volunteer spaces, and staff support areas will be closely connected to greenhouse and educational areas to allow for active observation and participation. “The decline in arable land, ongoing global climate change, water shortages and continued population growth could change our view of traditional farming from soil-based operations to highly efficient greenhouses or urban farms.” – ALLEN WASHATKO, TKWA
via .http://www.growingpower.org/verticalfarm.html