The Space Savers Encyclopedia
22ND MAY 2015
It's true that we all get a little too attached to some of the things we pick up over the years that slowly take over our homes but unfortunately one day everyone runs out of space. Taking action isn't as straight forward as we'd often like as saying goodbye to our possessions can be a difficult process, even when that possession is a slightly worn stuffed camel we won at fairground 8 years ago.
At FLEXiSPACE we wanted to show you that we're on your side so we've used all of our collective expertise to create the resource we call the Space Savers Encyclopedia. In it you'll find a great decision making chart for sifting through your clutter and making those hard decisions as well as some neat home storage solutions and gadgets we've found in case you can't bear to part with everything. If you really need to expand your room at home, we've included a guide to weighing up if your loft is suitable for conversion and how much it could set you back to get the job done. However if you try all our tips and still need a little extra room please give us a call and we'd be happy to talk to you about one of our supper secure, super convenient storage units.
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