
EcoArk Taiwan台灣環生方舟

Taiwan's plastic bottle building -- EcoARK Exhibition Hall.
Not just a bottle picked off the street. Polli-Brick from Hymini is made from recycled PET bottles. The building can be disassembled and then reassembled elsewhere. Looks like that might take a bit of time though as the building is 85 meters long (279 feet).
EcoARK PET bottles to be spread among 100 schools
GREEN USE:The bottles used to build a pavilion at the flora expo will be reused in creative projects to raise environmental awareness among local communities
Staff Writer, with CNA

A total of 1.52 million recycled plastic bottles used to build a pavilion at the Taipei International Flora Expo will be taken apart and sent to elementary schools nationwide to raise environmental awareness, the building’s sponsor said yesterday.

The Far Eastern Group, commissioned by the Taipei City Government to build the EcoARK — a boat-shaped exhibition hall made of PET bottles — said it would work with the Ministry of Education to distribute the bottles to 100 elementary schools for “green use.”

Schools that were damaged by Typhoon Morakot in 2009 will be given priority, group chairman Douglas Hsu (徐旭東) said.

He said all the honeycomb-shaped PET bricks used to build the EcoARK will be reused in creative projects so local communities can join in on the environmentally friendly action.

For instance, he said, the bricks can be reassembled into bus stops, greenhouses, galleries or even sheds for keeping livestock.

“Since the bottles were collected from the public, we think it is best that the materials go back into the hands of the people,” Hsu said.

The group said the inspiration for EcoARK came from the large number of PET bottles recycled in Taiwan every year — about 90,000 tonnes.

EcoARK, also known as the Pavilion of New Fashion, attracted more than 2 million visitors at the expo. It was featured on the National Geographic Channel’s Megastructures, which was aired in 168 countries in 34 languages, with an estimated audience of 370 million.

2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, Taiwan

CAYIN Digital Signage Introduces New Green Era in Pavilion of New Fashion (FE EcoARK)

2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, certified by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), was held in Taipei, Taiwan from November 6, 2010 to April 25, 2011. The main concept of this exposition was to convey the essence of horticulture, science, and environmental protection, all of which were perfectly accomplished by the FE EcoARK – Pavilion of New Fashion. Designed for a new eco-friendly life, FE EcoARK grabbed worldwide media attention during the construction period and was always packed with people waiting in a long line after its grand opening.

Elaborate the New Green Era via Digital Signage
FE EcoARK, sponsored and operated by the Far Eastern Group, was the world’s first green building made from recycled PET bottles. It was built by 480,000 PET bricks which were reshaped from 1.52 million recycled PET bottles. The whole pavilion included seven areas and each and every detail reflected the idea of creating a fashionable and eco-friendly life via high technology.

In order to let visitors fully understand the design and planning of the unprecedented plastic building, the Far Eastern Group consulted Paoan, CAYIN’s premium partner in Taiwan and installed nine 42” LCD displays and CAYIN digital signage players at the main entrance as the promotional channel. As a result, visitors in the queue could come up with preliminary ideas about the green building and reduce impatience waiting in a long line.

CAYIN’s digital signage solution conveyed the design of this modern-day “Noah’s Ark” with high quality video playback. Visitors were able to learn the whole amazing process including: soliciting 1.52 million discarded PET bottles, grinding the bottles into plastic flakes, molding 480,000 PET bricks, and assembling and constructing the FE EcoARK. This high-tech and eco-friendly journey started from the waiting area at the entrance where green ideas were taking root in people’s minds.

Convey Instant and Fashionable Information
2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, Taiwan

At the Pavilion of New Fashion, FE EcoARK had another mission; to present all kinds of fashion and art. Therefore, EcoARK hosted over 200 fashion exhibitions and artistic events in six months. To present visitors with the creative concepts of each piece of artwork, the organizer deployed CAYIN’s digital signage players in major exhibiting areas. Visitors could appreciate works of art while simultaneously viewing a video on the screen of the designers’ inner world.

Reduce Energy and Operating Cost with CAYIN Digital Signage Solutions
CAYIN’s digital signage solution is equipped with powerful playback and managerial functions, largely reducing the operating cost for FE EcoARK. Administrators can schedule playlist to playback different multimedia content automatically at a designated period of time. Therefore, information can reach visitors both inside and outside the building effectively.

2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, Taiwan

Moreover, CAYIN’s digital signage players can turn on and off remote screens automatically in accordance with the exhibition activities. Volume can also be lowered automatically at night. Judging from the number of visitors, administrators can sit in the office and shut down players immediately to save energy. In addition to high quality presentation and powerful remote management, these environmentally-friendly designs are one of the main reasons why the organizer chooses CAYIN’s digital signage as the information platform in this big exhibition.

During the six-month exposition, CAYIN’s digital signage solution successfully assisted Far East Group in conveying the green ideas to all visitors in FE EcoARK, the world’s first building made from recycled PET bottles. The building was also featured in “Megastructures”, the National Geographic Channel’s popular series, and will be broadcasted in 34 languages to 166 countries around the world.

2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition
The 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, authorized by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), was the first international certified standard exposition that Taiwan has ever held. This exposition opened on November 6, 2010 and continued presenting the most spectacular scenery and more than 7000 cultural performances all the way until April 25, 2011. The six-month exposition covered 91.8 hectares of exhibiting areas and was conducted on the riverside and 14 featured parks. The basic design concept of this exposition was based on the symbiosis theory which merges humanity’s basic needs in the desire to pursue happiness and extends the boundary of imagination, thus creating a future full of countless possibilities.

A special thanks to Far Eastern Group who adopted CAYIN’s digital signage solutions in the Pavilion of New Fashion (FE EcoARK), so that CAYIN could be part of this great exposition.



擁有哈佛大學建築碩士的環生方舟總設計師黃謙智指出,「很輕的房子是不怕地震的,越重的房子越怕地震。」所以它可以抵抗15級強風,以及比921 、四川大地震更大的震度,也就是震度9級的強震,但造價僅要一般鋼骨結構的四分之一,而隔熱效果卻是傳統玻璃帷幕建築的4倍。




原文網址: 環生方舟館 150萬個寶特瓶打造出台灣的驕傲 | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2010/04/07/91-2588812.htm#ixzz1kWBAOpPI




燈籠果 燈籠果屬於醋栗科茶蔍屬多年生灌木。株叢高1.2 米左右,果子是一個套着燈籠型莢子的小圓果,比拇指大一點,里面有很多小籽。未成熟時味極酸,成熟後呈黄綠色,完全成熟後呈紫紅色,非常甜,可以用來烤果餅,做果醬。燈籠果花朵燈籠果原產祕魯和智利,但是並不是什麼重要得產品。當地人隨便吃一點,偶爾也在菜市場看到。但是被廣泛的引入各熱帶和亞熱帶地區,所有番茄可以存活的地方都可以種。果醬和罐頭是居民的常用品,也經常出口。中部非洲國家,如加蓬,也有小型果園。 一、燈籠果的生育週期 1、發芽期:從種子吸水萌動到真葉露心為發芽階段,由播種到種子萌芽長出土,達到80%以上,大約需要7~15天。 2、幼苗期:苗出齊後,有80%的植株達到三片真葉,即第一個花萼形成前約20~30天。此期主要是根、莖、葉的生長時期,在生產上要採取良好的措施,培育生長發育健壯的幼苗,為高產、優質、豐產打下良好的基礎。 3、開花期:從開第一朵花開始到最後開的一朵花所持續的天數,為開花日數。最早開的第一朵花達5%的植株為開花始期,以月、日表示,植株最後開的花,而漿果又能在霜前充分成熟的日期為終花期。 4、結果期:結果期分為始期和終期。結果始期,即有5%的植株落花後,坐住果的日期。結果終期,即是終花期的花坐住果的日期。   5、成熟期:漿果成熟期,可分為始熟期和終熟期。始熟期,即有5%的植株第一個果成熟的日期。終熟期即最後充分成熟漿果的日期。燈籠果是由下向上陸續開花結果成熟的。第一個花果實膨大生長,第2~4朵花相繼現蕾、開花和結果。 二、燈籠果對環境條件的要求:   1、溫度:燈籠果性喜溫,不耐霜凍。種子發芽以30℃左右發芽迅速;幼苗生長期20~25℃、夜間不低於17℃適宜生長;開花結果期白天以20~25℃、夜間不低於15℃為宜,否則易引起落花落果。氣溫10℃以下植株停止生長。0℃以下植株受凍。經調查看,幼苗耐低溫能力不成熟,所以露地生殖時期不能過早,而必須在晚霜過後方可栽植。   2、光照:燈籠果對光照要求比較敏感,需要充足的光照。在3000~4000米燭光範圍內,生長發育協調,果實品質優良。光照不足時,植株徒長而細弱,產量下降,漿果著色差,品味不佳。因此,在生產上必須注意種植密度的合理性和打尖、抹芽、整枝的必要性。   3、水分:燈籠果需水較多,尤其在漿果開始成熟前期,枝葉和果實同時生長,需水較多,當漿果大量


蔬菜對溫度日照條件的要求 全日照  8個小時日照 瓜類、茄果類、豆類、山藥、豆薯(地瓜)。番茄、黃瓜、茄子、辣椒等喜溫中、強光性 蔬菜夏秋季生產,玉米、青椒、西瓜、南瓜、西紅柿、茄子、芝麻、向日葵類。 其次是根莖類,如:馬鈴薯、甜菜、胡蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、甘藷、山藥等等。至少需半日照,才能生長,芋頭雖喜歡全日照,但比其他蔬菜耐蔭。  需要中等光照大白菜、甘藍、芥菜、蒜、洋蔥。  長日性蔬菜白菜、甘藍、芥菜、蘿蔔、胡蘿蔔、芹菜、菠菜、萵苣、蠶豆、豌豆、大蔥、洋蔥。 短日性蔬菜豇豆、扁豆、莧菜、空心菜。          中光性蔬菜黃瓜、番茄、茄子、辣椒、菜豆 菜豆 菜豆喜溫暖,不耐高溫和霜凍。菜豆種子發芽的適溫為20-30℃;在40℃以上的高溫和10℃以下的低溫,種子不易發芽。幼苗生長適宜氣溫為18-25℃。花芽分化的適宜氣溫為20-25℃,過高或過低溫度易出現發育不完全的花蕾、落花。 菜豆對光照強度的要求較高。在適宜溫度條件下,光照充足則植株生長健壯,莖的節間短而分枝多,開花結莢比較多,而且有利於根部對磷肥的吸收。當光照強度減弱時,植株易徒長,莖的節間長,分枝少,葉質薄,而且開花結莢數少,易落花落莢。 菜豆根系強大,能耐一定程度乾旱,但喜中度濕潤土壤條件,要求水分供應適中,不耐澇。生長期適宜土壤濕度為田間最大持水量的60%-70%,空氣相對濕度以80%為宜。開花結莢期對水分最敏感,此期土壤乾旱對開花結莢有不良影響,開花數、結莢數及莢內種子數減少。土壤水分過大時,下部葉片黃化,早脫落。空氣濕度過大會引起徒長、結莢不良。 菜豆具有深根性和根瘤菌,對土壤的要求不甚嚴格,但仍以土層深厚肥沃、排水良好的輕砂壤土或粘質壤土為好。土壤過於粘重、低溫、排水和通氣不良則生長不良,炭疽病重。菜豆喜中性至微酸性土壤,適宜的土壤pH為5-7.0,其中以州6.2-6.8最適宜。菜豆最忌連作,生產中應實行2-3年輪作。 菜豆生育過程中,主要吸收鉀和氮較多,還要吸收一定量的磷和鈣,才能良好發育。結莢期吸收磷鉀量較大。磷鉀肥對菜豆植株的生長發育、根瘤菌的發育、花芽分化、開花結莢和種子的發育等均有影響。缺乏磷肥,菜豆嫩莢和種子的品質和產量就會降低。缺鈣,幼葉葉片捲曲,葉緣失綠和生長點死亡。缺硼,則根係不發達,影響根瘤菌固氮,使花和豆莢發育不良。


為何冰箱冷凍室非得是零下18度? 不少家庭的冰箱有led面板,可顯示冷藏室和冷凍室溫度。每次看到那個零下18℃,不少人,包括筆者在內就會禁不住提出一個小疑問:為什麼冷凍室溫度非得是零下18℃?最多零下1℃不就結冰了嗎?搞這麼低溫度實在是浪費電呢。 聰明如很多人是這樣推測的 百思不得其解,於是很多人,包括筆者在內就開始推測後面的機制了。冷凍室的零下18℃其實不費電,相反,它是節約電力的一個好措施。為何? 冰箱隔一段時間,內部溫度升高後,它就要啟動壓縮機,嗡嗡嗡的。頻繁啟動壓縮機不僅耗電,冰箱的壽命也會降低,還有就是很吵人。怎麼辦?簡單,先把冷凍室的溫度搞得低低的,比如零下18℃左右。 然後,冷凍室的冷氣往上走,來到冷藏室,如此,就能長時間保持冷藏室的溫度處於0到8℃以內了。 待冷凍室的冷氣散失過多,溫度升高到零下幾度時,再啟動冰箱的壓縮機把溫度再次降到零下18℃,如此,冰箱的啟動次數就變少了。 實際是這樣嗎?很遺憾,不是。 原因之一:不一樣的水 水到零度以下就結冰了,這是絕大多數人的認識。然而仔細一想,這不適用於冰箱的冷凍室。因為冷凍室存放的不是上百升礦泉水,而是各種各樣的食物。 食物中含有大量水這沒錯,但這些水同時含有大量的鹽、糖等物質。就像每1升海水中大約含有35克鹽,所以平均起來,要到零下1.33℃時海水才會結冰。 因此,要想把食物凍結,並不是溫度只要達到水的冰點就可以,得保證足夠低的溫度,食物中的水才能凍結,這很重要,因為食物中只要有液態水存在,這就等於是為各種細菌的繁殖提供了必備條件。 圖為牛肉薄片在不同溫度和不同時間內測得的牛肉中凍結水量的曲線。 當牛肉薄片的溫度為零下4℃時,只有70%的水分被凍結;溫度下降到零下9℃左右時,也還有3%的水分未凍結;即使牛肉薄片的溫度降低到零下18℃時,也不是100%的水分都被凍結住。 原因之二:嗜冷微生物 根據微生物對不同溫度的適應範圍,可將微生物分為三大類,嗜熱菌、嗜溫菌和嗜冷菌。在食物的冷藏和冷凍過程中,我們面對的「敵人」是嗜溫菌和嗜冷菌。 一般來說,能引起食物腐敗和食物致毒的嗜溫菌,在低於3 ℃情況下不產生毒素,當然,個別菌種例外。 而對於嗜冷菌,一般得在零下10 ℃到零下12 ℃時才會停止生長。 有的黴菌甚至要到零下15~零下18 ℃時才