Thermotec Ecosystems
Aquaponics is the integration of aquaculture with hydroponic plant growth, the fishes waste feeds the plants and the plants filter the water for the fish.
Working alongside Aquaponics UK, we developed the energy system for a greenhouse based aquaponics system which produces fish, vegetables and energy. The energy produced in the greenhouse will be extracted using renewable heat pump technology (air source), heat is then stored in the water of the system and extracted at night time to heat the greenhouse and balance the day night temperature fluctuations. The system will produce a constant supply of food and at times produce more energy than can be used or stored directly and at these times “free” energy is available for other applications on site.
Our partnership with Aquaponics UK allows us to share expertise, advice and information on a wide range of appropriate technologies, and is an example of how commercial businesses can work closely with not for profit organisations such as Aquaponics UK and with academic institutions.